Weightless Lullabies | Chapter 3

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Okay, weirdest thing. i forgot what Spencer's last name was, cuz I'm just that dumb and I realized it was Berkeley. For the longest time I decided that her middle name, Rae, would just become her last name. but then I realized the truth and that for my sequel, which I am working on already, that would just sound weird. Berkeley-Barakat. Weird right?

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xoxo Natasha <3

I've been through a lot in my life. The first family that had taken me in, the Ville's, were not the greatest. They had three other children, none of them theirs, the mother was always working, and they were in it for the checks.

Tom, the dad, took away my right to ever feel love, or what real love could be. Because of him, I could never get close to someone of the opposite sex, I would cringe every time a man touched me, scared that they would so what he did to me.

Jason was the one guy that I had finally let close to me, other than Cole, and he just made my fear of men even worse. My father made it no better, I've been abused most of my life, whether it was sexually, emotionally, or physically and always by men. They took away my dignity.

So you could guess that as I got ready to go out with Rian, Zack, Jack, and Alex, I was kind of freaked out. Would they hurt me? Would they try something? I almost backed out of it, but something inside of me said that I should just go. I hadn't gone out with kids my age in a very long time. Sure, I hung around kids my age, but never with them. I would go to the parties, but to get away from my dad and to forget.

I heard my phone go off, signalling me that I had a new text message. I picked up my phone from my bed stand. It was from Rian.

Hey Spencer, we're meeting at the bowling alley in ten minutes.

I debated on whether or not to tell him that I just wasn't going to come. But sighed, and texted him back.

Hey, I'll be there in a few.

I clicked the send button, and went back to doing my makeup. I had to cover up the new bruises, and just make myself look nice. It wasn't for the guys that I was trying to look nice, no. After bowling with Jack and his friends, Susan was going to take me out to see some local band. Mostly it was so we could catch up, but the place she wanted to go, a band was playing.

I finished my makeup and put it all in my bag, along with my phone and wallet. I quietly shut my door and walked down the stairs, I grabbed an apple and my keys, and left the house. I don't think my dad was home, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was still at the bar, or out at a friend's house passed out on the couch.

My dad may be a dick, but he at least had the sense to never drive home drunk...well really drunk. Last night, after he sprained my ankle because I had smashed the last beer, he had left the house. I had wrapped gaze tightly around it, hoping it would heal.

I walked, more like limped, into the bowling alley, and looked around for the only thing that would stand out, Jack's skunk hair. When I spotted him, I went over to him and his friends.

"Hey." I said quietly. They all looked up, and smiled. "Sorry I'm late."

"No worries," Rian said, motioning for me to sit down. "By the way, this is Zack. I don't think you've met. He goes to Towson."

Zack looked different than his friends. He had long black hair, that covered his eyes. But his eyes, unlike his friends, were green.

"Hey, I think I've seen you around." he said.

"Yeah, probably. I got to a lot of Towson parties." I told him, and I could help but add something, as I kept looking into his eyes. "You have really nice eyes."

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