Weightless Lullabies | Chapter 7j

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Sorry guys, I fell asleep while posting this.

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xoxo Natasha <3

"What I don't get," Alex said, sitting next to me with his arm around my shoulders. "is how he got in. I mean, this is a gated community."

"I don't want to even think about it, it'll just make me even more paranoid." I muttered. "Hey, Alex?"


"I know we don't know each other, but I was wondering if I could stay here for tonight. I hate to admit it, but I'm kind of scared to go back home. If not, it's okay." I said.

He grinned. "Yeah, you can stay here. But I have band practice in the morning, so if you hear loud noises, I, and you, have to leave. And you can come with if you want."

"Urm, no it's okay." I said quietly. "I have things to do tomorrow."

"Okay." he said.


I showed Spencer to the spare room after she had told me what happened, and went back to my room. I had the urge to call the guys, especially Jack, but I promised that I wouldn't and that if I did, she would never talk to anyone of us again.

When she told me what happened with her and her ex-boyfriend, it made my blood boil. I didn't like her or anything, I just thought that it was not right to hurt a girl. Especially when she was so much smaller than you. When Spencer had arrived to Dulaney high, she had been curvy and not skinny but...fit, I guess you could say. She was somewhere between skinny and curvy, but a few months into the year, she had started to get skinnier and skinnier. Her skin color got paler, she had bag under her eyes, and when she wore tight clothes, you could see her ribs.

It angered me, and I'm sure it would anger Jack too, that someone who looked like a wrestler was beating up on a small and fragile girl. But it was the fire in her eyes that told me calling Jack, would be a bad idea. Underneath all that timidness, I could tell she was strong. It wasn't hard to see why Jack liked her since freshman year.

I got into bed and turned on my tv. I put in "Home Alone' and watched it until I started to get sleepy. A little more than half way through, light from the hallway flooded into my room. A small figure stood in the light.

"Alex?" Spencer asked, unsure of whether I was awake or not.

"Yeah?" I asked groggily.

"C-can I sleep in here? With you?" she wondered. "I keep thinking I heard knocks at the window, and it's scaring the crap outta me."

"Sure," I said. "Come on in and close the door."

She stepped into my room, closed the door, and came over to my bed. She lifted one leg up and then the other. She snuggled under the blanket, and was asleep in minutes. I watched the tv again, and felt her shiver.

"She must be freezing." I said aloud, to no one in particular. I put my arm around her, and gave her more of the comforter.

Suddenly very tired, I closed my eyes and slept.

I heard the annoying ringing of my alarm clock, and stretched to shut it off. As I tried to sit up, I realized that one of my hands were caught, I looked down and saw that Spencer was still sleeping peacefully. I smiled, she looked happier than I've ever seen her, and got up. I went and took a shower before I had to get to Rian's.


When I woke up, the shower was running and 'Home Alone' was still playing on the tv screen. I sat up a little dazed, and then last nights events came rushing back into my head. I shuddered.

I put my head against the wall, and watched the tv screen.

Alex, as much as I hated to admit it, wasn't that bad of a person. He was actually quite nice, he didn't have to let me into his house or sleep in his bed. I was kind of scared to go home, Jason may be there, waiting for me. But I didn't want to go to Alex's band practice either, it would be awkward.

"I love this movie." Alex said, coming back into his room with only a towel.

"Hmm," I said. "Why?"

"I dunno, I think it's funny. And cool." he said going to his draw to get a pair of boxers. "The kid is home all alone, and he does all this stuff. I'm eighteen, and I couldn't do half of that stuff now."

"You do know that is just pathetic right?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I know." he admitted sheepishly. "But for me, it's not surprising. My mom and dad have always done everything for me."

"Must be nice." I said quietly.

Alex leant me a pair jeans and a shirt that his cousin had left a while a go. I put my clothes in an old bag he had given me.

"Are you sure that you don't want to come?" Alex asked me for what had to be the twentieth time.

"Yes, I'm sure." I told him. "I'll be fine, I'm pretty sure he's not at my house."

Actually, I had no idea and I was scared shitless. But I didn't want Alex to know and keep insisting that I come with him. After Jack had called to see if he could get a ride with Alex. He worried aloud, as we were eating cereal and put on our shoes on, that Jason would be in my room at home and try to ambush me. For a guy that I thought hated me, he was pretty nice.

We stood on his steps for a minute, Alex looked past me, before he started walking to his car. I followed him, seeing as I had to walk the same way to get home.

"Hey Alex?" I called, as he got into his car.

"Yeah?" he said, rolling down the window.

I walked over to his car and up to the window. I don't know what came over me, but I bent down, so we were face to face,

"Thanks." I whispered in his ear. I turned to face him, and then kissed him full on.

I heard someone behind us clear their throat.

I pulled back, and turned around. It was Jack, and he didn't look happy.

"Alex, you do know that you have a girlfriend right?" he asked with a stony face.

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