Weightless Lullabies | Chapter 24

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xoxo Natasha <3

"Hi, is Zack here?" I asked the woman who answered the door, who I assumed was Zack's mom.

"Yes, come in." she said. "He's in the basement."

"Thank you."

It had been a few days since my talk with Jack and needless to say, he had been doing a lot to try and get me back. There would always be a note in my locker when I got to school, flowers in my car - I'm not sure how he got into my car though - and a small present on my doorstep. As much as I loved it, all I really wanted him to do was hug me and tell me that it would never happen again. That's it, I didn't need all the present, I just wanted him to tell me that it wouldn't happen again.

"Zack?" I called. "Are you down here?"

The basement was empty, but the t.v was on and his bass was lying on the couch.

"Yeah, I'll be out soon." he called from what I assumed was the bathroom.

I moved his bass over and sat on the couch, looking at my hands. I wasn't sure what I was going to say, but I did know that I wanted Zack to start being himself around the guys again.

"Oh, hey Penny." he said. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you." I told him. "So I hear you're not really talking to Jack and Alex and Rian?"

"You heard right." he said, his voice darkening. He sat down beside me. "I didn't like what they did to you at the party Penny. And I swear I didn't know about it until it was too late or I would have told you."

"I know, Jack told me."

"Are you back with him?" he asked.

"No." I said. "I just came over to tell you to start talking to them again, I'm not really sure why you're doing this. Like, I know you're mad about what they did, but I don't really get it."

"I'm not talking to them because they hurt you and they knew that if you found out, it would hurt you. Even though I'm younger than you, you're like the younger sister I always wanted."

"I really think that you should just go back to the way everything was before all of this happened." I told him. "I won't be going out with Jack for a long time, not until he realizes what I want from him."

"What is it that you want?" he asked. "What has he been doing?"

"He's been leaving me notes in my locker and flowers in my car and gift on my doorsteps." o told him. "But all I really want is for him to hug me and tell me that he'll never cheat on me again. I just want a hug and a kiss and for him to reassure me. But for some reason, he doesn't understand that, you'd think he would though after being with him for almost six months."

"You'd think that, but you also have to realize that Jack just wants you back. Obviously he isn't thinking that all you want is a hug, he thinks what you want is gifts and love notes. He's never had to go through this before and I'm guessing he isn't thinking about what you want, but what he thinks any girl would want in this situation." Zack explained.

"That may be true but, until he figures it out, I'm not considering going back out with him or even talking to him." I said.

A comfortable silence came over us and we sat and watched t.v until it was nine. His mom came down and asked if I wanted to stay for dinner. Zack began to poke my side, I took note that he obviously wanted me to stay.

"Sure." I said.

Dinner at the Merrick's was really good. I had a lot of fun and they made me feel like family, not just a guest.

"So you'll start talking to Jack and the others again?" I asked Zack as he lead me to my car.

"Yeah," he sighed. "Besides, it's been weird at band practice."

"I'd image it would be." I laughed.

Then I stopped, there was a note on my windshield. I picked up the windshield wiper and grabbed the note. Of course it was from Jason.

"Zack?" I said, hesitantly.


"Can I stay over today?"

"Why?" he asked. "What's that?"

"It's from Jason." I said. "He said that he's happy that Jack and I are over, but he's mad that I came to your house. He said, he'd be waiting at my house for me."

Zack got a worried look on his face, which immediately turned to anger.

"I swear if I ever meet this guy, I will punch him out." he hissed. "Btu yeah, you can stay."

"Thanks Zack." I said. "Also, I wouldn't punch him if I were you. He's bigger than you and a lot stronger."

"We'll see." he mumbled. "Come on, you can stay in the spare room."

He took my hand and led me back into his house. When we got in his mom asked why I was back and if I had forgotten something. I didn't want to tell her what was really up, so I told her that my dad was out of town, and he said I should stay at a friend's house for the night.

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