Weightless Lullabies | Chapter 29

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Happy Holidays! So I am going to try and update this and all of my other stories as much as possible until the 4th of January. After then I most likely won't be updating until after the 25th of January, because of my diplomas.

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xoxo Natasha <3

“So how long has it been?” Yale asked me.

“It’s been two weeks, none of them will talk to me or even look at me.” I said quietly. “Prom is in three days and then grad is the day after. I have no urge to go, I mean I have the tickets I bought for Jack and I, and Katy said that we should go together, but I feel like the guys don’t want me to go.”

“That’s not fair to you though,” Yale said. “You have just as much of a right to go to your own prom as the rest of them.”

“I know,” I sighed. “But I figure that it’s just easier and less drama if I just don’t go. I said I’d give Katy the tickets and she could take someone else. But she said that it was too late to get a date and she would just hang out with me for the night.”

“Screw that.” Yale said. “Do you have your dress?”

“Yeah.” I said. “I bought it a little while ago. Why?”

“You’re going to the prom, and so is Katy.” he said, grinning.

“But we don’t have dates.”

“Yes you do, you’ll both have two.” he said. “Jared and I will be your dates and Tyler and Kyle will be Katy’s. Screw what Jack and his friends think, it’s just as much your high school as it is theirs.”

“So you’re friends are going to take us?” Katy whispered to me in study hall.

After very much convincing, I finally gave into Yale’s request; I was going to the prom with my friends from my adolescent years and Katy.

“Yeah, I have two tickets, I just need to buy the other four.” I whispered back. “I hope you have a dress.”

“I do. My mom has been waiting for my prom since I was born, she bought me a dress last month.”

“Alright then,” I said. “I guess it’s settled. We’re going to prom.”

“You don’t seem very excited about this.” Katy said.

“I’m not.” I sighed, looking in the direction of Jack’s table. “I don’t want to go, Yale forced me to. He said that just because Jack doesn’t want me there that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t go.”

“He’s right though, this is just as much your prom as it is his. It’s not your problem that he is an idiot who dumped you over something that didn’t happen.”

“I guess.” I sighed again. “I’ll be back, I need to go see Ms. Picinini, to buy the other four tickets.”

Katy nodded. I got up and asked Ms. McGill if I could go see Ms. Picinini for grad tickets. She gave me a hall pass and told me to hurry, she said that they were almost sold out of the regular priced tickets.

I bobbed my head to my music as I walked down the hall to my economics room. One of All Time Low’s songs came on and instead of changing it like I usually did, I just let it play. I had to let go of the fact that Jack and everyone else dumped me over something that didn’t happen. It was in the past, since I had met them, I loved their music and I wasn’t going to let the fact that they now hated me, stop myself from listening to it.

I reached Ms. Picinini’s classroom, knocked and waited for her to open the door. Ms. Picinini opened the door and smiled.

“Hi Spencer.” she said. “What can I do for you?”

“I need four grad tickets.” I said. “If there are still some left, Ms. McGill said that the regular priced ones are almost done.”

“She’s right,” she said, walking back into the class and motioning for me to follow. “I have about fifty left, apparently people from the other school will be attending too.”

“Wow, I didn’t know we had that many people at our school.”

Ms. Picinini handed me four tickets and I gave her the money.

“Thank you.” I said.

“You’re welcome Spencer.” she said, smiling back at me. “If you don’t mind me asking, who are those for? I’m sure that you bought your tickets a while ago.”

“I did, their for my friends.” I told her. “My original plans for prom were changed so now I’m going with five different people.”

“Oh, well I’m sorry to hear that your original plans didn’t work out. Hopefully these will, do you have a dress?”

“Yeah,” why was she asking me all of this?

“I know it must seem weird that I am asking you this,” she said. “You’ve just seemed a little out of it these past few weeks, and as my favorite student I just want to know you’re alright.”

“I’m fine,” I said smiling. “Just stupid high school drama.”

“Ah, of course.”

“Well, I have to go. Study hall is almost done, and Ms. McGill might think that I skipped.”

“Bye Spencer,” she said. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I walked out of her classroom and made my way back to study hall. When I got back, Alex was at my table talking to Katy.

“It’s not her fault that he decided to not buy the tickets.” she hissed. “He should have bought them, like the guy is supposed to.”

“She offered to.” he hissed back. “And he needs them.”

Ah, they were talking about prom tickets.

“Hey Katy,” I said, ignoring Alex. “I got the tickets, Ms. Picinini said she only has, like, fifty left.”

“Nice, so that means prom is on?” she asked.


Alex coughed loudly, obviously annoyed that we were ignoring him.

“Oh Alex, I didn’t know you were there.” I lied. “Would you like something?”

“Yeah, he wants the two prom tickets that you had bought for Jack and yourself.” Katy sneered.

I laughed. “Sorry, they’re in use. Besides, I bought them, not him. He can go and buy one, there are still some left.”

“He shouldn’t have to go and buy one.” Alex said. “You bought one for him and we think he should get it. It’s the least you can do after you cheated on him with that scum bag.”

“Oh Alex,” I said, shaking my head. “First off, I didn’t cheat but you don’t believe me so I’m not going to try and explain that to you. Secondly, since we’re broken up and I bought the tickets I have no need to give him one. So you can go and tell him that, because I can’t be bothered to care anymore. I had to give him a second chance when he cheated on me, but you assholes won’t even hear me out. I didn’t do anything, so tell him to go to Ms. Picinini and buy a damn ticket.”

I wiped my hands on the legs of my jeans. I was nervous, I didn’t know whether he would turn me away or if he would hear me out. But I needed to talk to him, he understood before. Maybe, despite what everyone else thought, he would understand this time. School was almost done, and I would never see him or his friends again. But I still wanted to stay in contact with him, he had understood where I was coming from before, maybe he would again.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“I really want to talk to you Zack.” I said.

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