Weightless Lullabies | Chapter 15

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Spencer: http://www.polyvore.com/spencer_15/set?id=16127750

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xoxo Natasha <3

"So you're staying." Cole asked me. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I've never had someone, other than you guys, want me to be in their life." I said. "Besides, me dad is in jail now and I haven't heard from Jason in a really long time."

"Well, Susie will be disappointed. But she'll understand, it's good that you have friends. Even if it is a few years late."

"Whatever, Cole." I pouted. "But I'll see you guys next week, you're still taking me out for my birthday right?"

"Yeah, we'll go wherever you want." he said. "I've got to go, Susan gets worried."

Cole gave me an envelope and told me not to open it until he was gone. I hugged him and said goodbye. He drove off and I walked back into the house, I had stayed at Jack's for a while after we had talked. I was scared and didn't want to be alone, but I was back home and the guys came over almost everyday.

I walked back into the house and into the kitchen. I sat down on one of the chairs and opened the envelope and groaned. He and Susan had put money into the envelope and knew that if he had given it to me straight, I would have refused. I knew that they meant well, but they already did so much for me I felt guilty when they gave me more things.

I decided to put the money to good use and wrote a small grocery list. I went into my bathroom and put on a minimal amount of make up. Since my dad had 'left', my bruises were healing and in some spots going away all together, as were the cuts. I grabbed my jacket and keys and left the house. I would have had to go shopping anyways, Jack, the guys, and their girlfriends where coming over for my birthday dinner tonight. They wanted to take me out, but I wanted to stay in and cook. I hadn't cooked for myself or someone who appreciated my cooking in a long time. We agreed that it would just be a combination of my birthday and a celebration of them getting a record deal. I would make the food, Kara and Lisa would buy the cake, and the guys provide drinks.

"Your total comes to $154.05." the pregnant cashier said. "Would you like someone to help you with your bags?"

No, I thought sarcastically. I want to carry six bags and a carton of eggs to my car by myself. Idiot.

"Yes, please." I said sweetly.

I paid the lady and walked to my car as a guy around my age followed behind me with my bags. I helped the guy load them into my car, thanked him, and made me way back home.

I was unloading the last bag from my car when Jack and Rian showed up.

"You know you're early right?" I asked them. "I haven't even started anything yet."

"We know, we thought we would help." Rian said, grabbing the last bag.

"You mean you had nothing better to do because your shift ended." I said correcting him.

"Yeah," Jack said sheepishly.

"Well you're welcome to watch the t.v while I cook and do whatever." I told them.

We all walked into the house, as soon as we were through the door Jack and Rian were in the living room with the t.v.. I didn't know what to make, so I just started to cook what my mom would make for dinner parties sometimes. I took out a package of chicken breasts and seasoned them and put them in the oven. I wrapped potatoes in foil and put them in the oven as well, then started on the salad.

As I made all the food, I felt like I was in an old movie. Where the wife or whoever is making dinner for this big dinner party, when in reality it was just seven teenagers celebrating. All I needed was the poofy hair cut and poodle skirt.

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