Weightless Lullabies | Chapter 4

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xoxo Natasha <3

Chapter 4



That was the word that ran through my mind, as we walked out of the diner and went back to Rian's place to get our things. It was the word that ran through my mind as we packed up the van, and drove to the city.

What did she mean maybe? I hate that word, maybe. It gives nothing away. Does she like someone else? Does she already have a boyfriend? Was she just not interested? What the hell?

"Dude." Alex said shoving me as we set up for our set. "You need to calm down, maybe means just that, maybe. If you keep stressing over it you're gonna explode and we can't find a guitarist on such short notice."

I snapped out of my daze. "Shut up, Alex. No one could replace me."

I heard him mumble 'that's what you think.' and shoved him.

The bar was almost full, when we finished our set. I scanned the crowd, looking at the enthusiastic faces. I was sweating, my shirt stuck to my back and hair matted to my face.

"You guys have been great!" Alex yelled into the microphone. "Thanks for listening, here Amber Pacific!"

The crowd whooped and cheered, we took our guitars and walked off the stage. We greeted the guys from Amber Pacific on the way off the stage, telling them to have a great show and them telling us that we did great.

"Come on." Alex said. "Let's go get a drink."

As we walked to the bar two women walked past us. One looked to be in her early forties. If she was forty, she looked really good. The other girl, had blonde hair with streaks in it, she had on square frames, and was wearing suspender shorts. They were making their way to the crowd that was now forming at the stage.

"Hey, isn't that Spencer?" Zack asked me, looking at the two women.

"Yeah, I think so." I said to him. I forfeited going to the bar, and went to talk to Spencer.

"This is why you are so skinny." the lady with her said, to Spencer. "You're full of vodka and rum and fries. Do you even do yoga anymore?"

Spencer chuckled, it was probably the first time I had heard her laugh at all. "Oh be quiet, Susan. I don't only drink....I smoke occasionally too. Besides, there is never anything to eat..."

They were quiet for a moment, then Spencer spoke again.

"Come on, let's go. We didn't come here to talk about my problems." she said, feigning a smile.

I second thought about talking to Spencer, she was obviously here to enjoy herself, and she didn't need me asking why she had given me that absurd answer.

I would wait until school or the next party, which ever one came first.

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