Don't hide

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A shiver goes down my spine. I climb down into the tree. The hovercraft beeps. Cold air blasts through the tree and makes me shiver again. The hovercraft beeps again. I lean against the tree. I feel cold, and nervous. My hands clutch the branches beside me, and I pull my self down. Once I can't hear the hovercraft, I climb again. The Sky is clear, but the hovercraft flies in a distance away.

I jump from a low height of the tree, and breathe. I'm never going to live a normal life again. My hands wrap around the trunk. My eyes flicker open and closed. I walk in the direction that I saw Mia run to. I walk for what seems to be ten minutes and find Mia, standing with Katniss. "Mia. You need to be calm. This map is nothing for now." Katniss stares at a paper in Mia's hands.

It's weird to see Mia's face confused and flustered. Her eyes are like torches that burnt out in the middle of the night. She looks at me. "Crystal!" She bites her lip. "What happened..?" I stare at Mia. Katniss frowns. "Mia found a bag in the tree. A long time ago I guess, someone wanted to escape Panem. They stole maps from the Capitol's Archives, and left panem for ever. And I guess, they never made it." Her hair covers one of her eyes.

Mia blinks. We walk back to where the camp was. Everyone sits, talking away to each other. I put my hands on my head. I sit against a tree. Mia explains the map to everyone. I just stare up. We all stand up and walk to the east. I walk in the back, tears forming in my eyes. I feel alone. Jewel, she could be alive. Or I could be like her, fighting for Freedom. But Erisol will be better than here. Anything will be better than here.


The air gets colder. We stop. "Mia? Why are we stopped?" I groan. She doesn't respond. I peek over the line of heads. I see Mia holding everyone back. I groan again, and run through everyone to Mia. I scream. A bunch of wolves have their eyes pointed at us. Mia claps her hands over my mouth. "Shh!" She whispers. I Blink, and stay ever so still. A breeze picks up. Katniss slowly pulls out her Bow.

Her bow string is still, the arrow points at one wolf. She lets go. The wolf falls to the ground whimpering. I push Mia off of me. The wolves run at everyone. I kneel beside the hurt wolf. I hear the wolves run off. The one beneath me, whimpers. I rub my hand on it. My backpack falls beside me. I rummage through it and find some meat. I find some bandage as well. I give the wolf the meat. Katniss shouts at me. "Crystal! This isn't smart!" I turn back.

"I'm not nothing. I'm going to show you." I stare at Katniss. Mia looks at Katniss. "Katniss, let her be. Let her prove that she's strong." Her eyes look at me. Katniss frowns. "Set up camp people. The supplies don't set their selves up on their own." Katniss and everyone else except Mia begin to start setting up camp. Mia walks up to me. "Here, I'll set up your stuff." She takes my bag.

I begin to pull the arrow out of the wolf's back. The wolf whimpers. "Shh. It's ok." I stroke it's back. I pull the arrow out slowly. Blood pricks it's Fur. I put the bandage on the wolf's stomach. "I'm going to calm you, Peri." My eyes stare into Peri's eyes. Her eyes flicker closed.

{COMPLETED} Catching the Mockingjay ~ Mockingjay's Flight Sequel (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now