Day 5: Dating with Death

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I wake from a deep slumber. "Good Morning" Austin whispers in my ear. I flicker my eyes from the sun that shines. "Where am I?" I stare into the snow. "On a Blanket, in the middle of a snowy forest, which is on the outskirts of a Hunger Games arena" He chuchkles. "Oh, ya." I mumble. "Where is Mae?" I ask. "Went to go get wood for the fire." Austin pushes something. He picks me up and props me on a log, with a tree behind it. Silence. He put me here to let me not feel crammed up in that blanket. How sweet..

I hold my head. "I'm going to die, am't I." I say. He stops cleaning the blanket and stares at me. "That isn't true." Austin looks at me. "I'm defenceless though. If you guys are killed or are doing something then I'll die in a pinch." I look at him. "No you won't. Because I'll be your hero." Austin smiles, his teeth showing. "But what if the hero act doesn't work." I ask. "My father always told me something." He looks up. "As much as we try, we will never get away with the fact we can't just die. He'd then say, we are all dating with death, no matter how young or how old we are." Austin looks down at the snow.

"Austin, where is Mae.." I bite my lip. "She's been gone for a while. I'll be right back, stay here." He  walks into the forest. I watch him untill I can no longer see nor hear him whistling. There is suddenly a pericing sound. I ignore it at first, then I hear something. A scream. I hair-standing scream. Two cannons. I look around. I hear running, and crunching. Austin appears again, out of breath. "We need to get out of here" He gasps for air. "What was that"I say, a little too loud. "Shh. I'll pick you up." Austin says. He picks me up, bridal style and runs, leaving everything behind.

"What happened." I ask, after we are a good distance away from the site. "Mae, and some other boy. A girl killed them.." Suddenly he stops. "Someone is following us." Austin stands there still. He whistles. I hear running. It gets closer, and closer and closer. "Who's there." Austin asks. Two, no four figures stand before us. "Go away." I hear Austin shout. "Aww, it's another Hunger Games couple. So sweet. It'd be best if we'd just kill them." One of the people snnicker.

A knife is thrown at Austin. He dodges it, but loses his grip on me. I fall into the mud. One of the figures picks me up by the head. "What a shame it would be to kill her infront of him - heh - we don't even care." A knife is held to my neck. My eyes are puffy. I am crying. "Let me go" I whine. "Aww princess." The figure brings the knife closer to my neck.

"Get your hands off her!!" Austin shouts. I stare blankly. "It's all over" I whisper. "I'll make a deal. We kill you, and she survives or we kill her and you live." A deeper voice chuckles. "Welcome to hell's choice." The one holding me tightens their grip on the knife."Kill me." It stops there. "Nice choice, pretty boy." A knife goes straight into his heart. As he falls he smiles. "We both win here, right?" Tears fall down his cheeks.

"AUSTIN!" I scream. They let go of me, and I scramble to his side. "No, no, no. This isn't good for either of us!" Tears fall down my cheeks now. "I'll miss you, forever." I whisper.

Why does this happen to me of all people.

The people I love dissappear.

I clutch Jewel's ashes and put my head on Austin's non-living body. "I'll see you all again, right?" I ask.

I am pulled away. "Now it's our time to tourture you instead of him." The figures snicker. But I don't care. Right now I'd do anything to meet them again.

As much as I don't want to say this,

I'd rather be dead than living at this point.

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