Escaping Ersol

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I sit on a bench with Peri, waiting for the train that will take me to the wall. I have less chances of having to go to the 81st Hunger Games if I'm back in Panem. I wait for the train helplessly. Panem is stupid, why am I going back there. It's too early anyways for the Hunger Games. Why did they do this? To cause war? All I know is that I'm not going back to District 13. Never in my wildest dreams would I go back there.

I run my foot along the concrete as I hear the train approach. Peri and I board the train and sit down. I talk to no one, and I don't think about talking to anyone either. The city passes by me. I watch building after building dissappear until we stop. "Second last stop. Gate Watch Station." A loud intercom shouts. I don't get off. My stop is Wall Station. I wait for the doors to close. A figure stops them and walks in.

"I knew I'd find you here" A voice says. I look up. Mia sits in front of me her blue eyes staring at me. "What? Mia..? I didn't think you'd come for me." I say, confused. "I came looking for you and to live in Ersol. Panem attacked and threated, so I decided this isn't the place for me." She says, petting Peri. I smile. "Me too. The others?" "They wanted to stay." She responds. I nod.

We don't talk for the rest of the way, which is what I excepted. I pet Peri waiting for the stop. "Last stop. Wall Station." The intercom blares. I jump up, and walk with Peri and Mia out the train doors. I look around. The wall stands high to my right, and the city stands higher to my left. Mia walks in the direction of the wall. I spot a staircase a run to it. "Stop. No ticket, no entry." A woman stops me. Peri skids and sits down beside me.

"What ticket?" I ask. "Everything comes with a price my dear. A to get up there you need to pay 12 bucks." The woman looks at me. "Money is what you want, huh." Mia looks in paciently at the woman. "Yes." She responds firmly. "I have no Money Mia. You?" I bite my lip. "Eek. Let me check." She moans. Mia scrambles through her bag, finding nothing but a Ten dollar bill. "Not enough." The woman reaponds. I pout. "Can't you lower the price?" Mia asks. "I do not have the power to do that." The woman once again replies.

Peri gets up and sees a bird. She begins to bark, chasing it. Suddenly she runs up the staircase. "Peri!!" I shout, ignoring the woman. I run up the stairs. "Get back here! you didn't pay!" The woman shouts as Mia follows me. We run all the way up, to see Peri sitting down watching the forest. I pet her, smiling. "Good girl Peri" I bend down. "We need to go quickly, the woman is coming" Mia gasps.

Peri sees something and jumps. I jump after her. "Bad plan!!" I hear Mia shout as she jumps after us. I land face flat on the ground. Mia lands beside me. "Please say you have bandage." I moan. "Indeed I do. I also have two sleeping bags." Mia struggles to get up. Peri comes out from behind a tree, panting. I stand up and limp to Peri. "Let's walk a bit." I say. "But you are limping Crystal, you need to rest." Mia says, being her protective self.

I shake my head. "I need to suck it up. We need to get to Panem soon" I look back at Mia. "Fine. What's the time?" She grunts. "8:30 am." I smile.

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