What happened after:

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Kal Mithic:
Kal won the Hunger Games, but regreted killing Crystal. His sister was a little sad that he had done so, but was happy that he had come back alive. His life changed for the worse though. He stopped hunting and became a snooty boy. He no longer wanted to help his family, and ended up kicking his family out of Victor's Village. Kal eventually stopped talking to his family, and lived the rest of his life alone, as a Mentor.

Mia Mithic:
Mia was so happy to discover her brother had won. Afterwards she began to have lower self esteme. She had cheered Crytsal's Death. Because of that, she got depression, and suffered terribly. When Kal kicked his family out of Victor's Village, Mia was forced into work. She began selling things in the hob, but didn't recieve must success. Mia ended up marrying a man who she grew to know through the hob. They married out of love, not force.

The Everin Family:
The Everin Family did not take Crystal's death well. According to District 13, Misson Mockingjay had failed. They were forced back into District 12 as though there was no rebellion anymore to help. Charlie did not work in the Mines, but secretly traveled to the Captiol, and came back, with nothing but a few gifts from their father. Eventually Charlie went back to the Mines and married a Miner Girl. Erica grew up, eventually forgeting her sisters. She had a passion for gardening, and hunting. She became self taught, and helped her mother to eat. She was not picked for the Hunger Games, by luck. After her mother died, she sneaked out of District 12 and married a District 9 escape-ee. Both parents eventually died, from natural causes.

Elizabeth Huntvine:
Huntvine coutinued the Hunger Games, but eventually got sick of them. On the 100th Games, she stopped it all. She still was a harsh President, and forever kept the Districts inline until she died, and then they were free.

I want to thank everyone who read the series from the start. They may have stopped reading, but they supported me through the Year of the Mockingjay Series.
Thank you to:




I'll probarly take a little of a break now, and start another book soon.

Thank you guys for reading till the end!


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