Day 4: Second Thoughts

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I wake. Mae sits against one of the rock walls, braiding her hair. "Mae?" I mumble, staring at her. "Good Morning Sleepyhead" She smiles. I laugh a little. How can she be so happy when we are in a game that could Starve us, Dehydrate us or Kill us with no warning. I lean up, but before I get all the way, Mae rushes to my side, and stops me. "Wha-" I gasp. She looks. "You're not healed you know. I don't want you to hurt your back anymore." She frowns. I stare at her. "Oh." I mumble. Mae gets back up and walks to where she was sitting, seconds ago.

Why is she being so protective? I'm not that hurt am I? I stare at her, a little frown spreading across my face. I think through the events of last night. She came to the cave, but how'd she get here? I can't remember if she told me or not. Now that I realize it, I am worrying a little too much. But thoughts keep floating through my head. Who is Mae and why is she helping me...? "Crystal?" She looks back at me. "Hmm?" I ask. "Do you trust me?" She asks. I stare. How do I reply? I trusted her yesterday, but today with all these thoughts going through my head, I am having second thoughts.

Mae stares. "No answer, huh? Well then. I'll start to pack up the Weapons and Food I brought for you. Oh and I'll also leave you to you're -" Before she finishes, I inturupt. "Don't leave. I trust you, but this is a game of Death or Life, you'll always have second thoughts about who you gain trust with." I say. She becomes speachless. The young girl I meet last night, now she's threating to take all that she brought and just disappear? I don't like that. "I'm having second thoughts too." She mumbles. I look up. Is she really having second thoughts about me, the one who is injured in several places?

"I don't mean that in a Mean way.." Mae grunts. "I'm going outside." She gets up and walks out of the room, with only a knife in her right hand. I shiver. I silently get up and tip toe to the food. Even though my leg aches, it's good to always be in motion. Once, my father hurt his back in the mines, but the doctor, who had come from the Capitol told him one thing. "You always need to be moving it. If you don't, the muscles will tense up, and you could make the injury worse. It's the same with any kind of injury." He had said. I remember that all so faintly. Pushing those memories, of my now Avox Dad, out of my mind, I crouch down and pick up some dried fruit that lays on Mae's bag. I get back up and walk to my sleeping bag when I hear a scream.

"MAE?!?" I shout. No response. I slowly get back up, grab two spears from my spear bag and tiptoe outside the cave's room. When I get out, I pull on my boots a little more. If I trip, the worse thing that could happen is my boot goes flying down the mountain, and I am unable to get it. I tighten everything. My mittens, coat, hat and even my pants. I want to be warm in the endless cold. I finish preparing my self, and limp over to the cave opening. I haven't felt much pain in my leg, but it's safe to say, I've probarly gotten a bruse by now.

I look outside. Red snow. It's the first thing I see. "Help!" I hear a shout. I look to the sides of me, and up. Where is the person who shouted for safety? I finally look down, to see Mae, hanging by her hand, beneath her, a boy slowly aiming a bow at her head. "Crap." I mumble. How'd this happen so quickly. Before I can shout anything else, I hear something thump behind me. A girl comes face to face with me. I want to scream, but that would cause too much attention to the boy on the ground. The girl pulls out a sword, long and shining. I hold out my spear, directed at her heart. "Put the weapons down." She chuckles, evilly.

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