Best Buds

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I wake in the morning. I remember what happened last night but ignore it for now. No fog covers my face, instead Peri sleeps on top of my leg. I lean up and push the wolf off of my leg. I laugh as her tounge plops out. Mia wakes, moaning. "Ugh." She raises her arms above her head and yawns. "Morning Sleepy Head" I chuckle. "Why is my backpack open?" Mia's eyebrows squint down. "I don't know" I frown. She searches through her bag. Mia stops. Her eyes go wide "All my stuff. The Map. It's all, gone." Despair fills Mia's cold face. "We need to get to Ersol, today." She bites her lip.


We walk along the trees, sunlight pouring in throughout the forest. I hear faint sounds of animals scurrying about. Peri walks close to me, her fur brushing against my thick jeans. I walk, with no sense of direction, except for Mia. I stand beside her, with everyone behind me. I wanted this moment, of leadership and strength. The air brushes against my face, making me feel like I am walking right into it. Mia stops. "Hush." She throws her hands in the air. I hear a loud bang. Following the bang is crunching. "Run." Mia shouts. We all run through the trees, and plants, at full speed.

The crunching gets closer. I stop for a second to catch my breath. Everyone passes me. The crunching gets so close, I can define it. I take a breath and begin to run again. But I trip over a root sticking out of the dirt. I feel into a puddle of mud. Peri licks me. The crunching stops. "Hello." A voice says from behind me. I turn around, to see a boy holding his hand out to offer help. "Need a hand?" He smiles. I nod. The mystery boy pulls me up."Hi." I smile. "What's your name" The boy grins. "Crystal, you?" I nod. "Austin" He smiles. "Crystal!!!" I hear Mia shout. "Follow me, we can go to Ersol" Austin grabs my hand. I nod, and run with him. Peri, follows us, as we run through the trees, sunlight disappearing.

We run to a large tree. "Climb." Austin flatly commands. "But Peri," I frown. He grabs a hold of Peri, and pulls her up the tree. I follow him up the dark oak tree. We stand on top of the tree, leaves beneath me. I see a wall, a large one to be exact. "I can carry you on my back if you'd like." Austin smiles. "Sure." I plainly smile. I hop on his back, and he begins to walk tree to tree on the branches. Peri hops tree to tree, her fur gliding in the wind. We get closer, and closer to the wall. Behind the wall I see a city, in full glory. A whole country with a wall blocking off unwanted strangers? Sounds safe to me.

After awhile Austin makes me get off his back. I jump tree, to tree, getting closer to the wall. I finally jump to the last tree, and grab ahold of the wall. A ladder is sprawled out in front of me. "I'm finally here." I gasp. "Ersol. The land of the Ice and Freedom." "Only Panem calls us that. It isn't all that cold." Austin laughs. "Climb up, to our cold" I climb the old wooden ladder. I reach the top, to see a whole city in front of me. I can see buildings as far as my eye can see. Lights flicker on and off through out the city. I smile.

"Falling is your best bet. Climbing down is a weak sense." A new voice says. "This wolf is heavy" Austin laughs but then stops. "Amelia. This is Crystal." Amelia smiles. "I'm Austin's friend. We've been Best buds since Grade 7." "That's a long time" I frown. "But to be honest, he's gross." Amelia laughs. I chuckle. "You guys would make the perfect couple," Amelia turns her head. "Amelia!" Austin grunts and he pushes her.

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