The War begins.

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Austin laughs at me. I stare at a large building with the word "Mall" written above it. "Mull?" I say, confused. Ameila laughs. "M-a-ll" She pronuces the word simply. "Mall?" I ask. "Correct. It's where you get clothing, decor, technology and other random things." Amiela smiles. "Technology? As in hovercrafts, cameras and such?" I ask. Austin laughs. "More like Phones, Tablets, Computers and Tvs."

"What's a phone?" I frown. "It's a communication device. You can download stuff on it too. Like music and Apps." Austin smiles. "Apps?" I ask. "You could download games, stargazing, news, or weather apps. They help you with everyday things." Austin smiles. I nod. "Ersol thing obviously?" I ask. "Ya. It's 2135 but we are the only country left with phones. All the other countries went into civil wars and lost their technology factories in them." Amiela blurts out.

I nod. "I want a phone. It sounds cool to be honest." I push on my lips. Austin smiles. "I knew you'd want one. Follow me, to TechY." I follow after Austin, Amiela beside me. We walk quickly, passing stores of clothing, decor and other stuff. We stop in front of a large store with the word "TechY" written in shiny lights over the top. I stop and hold Peri closer to me. "Time to get a phone" I smile.


In my hands I hold my first phone. A big white screen gazes at me. Austin smiles at me. "You did-" He is cut off by a loud explosion. I push my phone in my pocket and run. I hear gun shots. "I thought Ersol was safe!" I shout at Austin. He looks at me. "It is! I don't know what happened!" He stops. So do I. We stand outside of the mall, the only thing in view, a Panem hovercraft. I scream. No. No. I pick up a large branch from beside me a throw it at the hovercraft. It falls to the ground.

I bend down and begin to cry. Panem can't do this. They just can't! A civil war already rages with in its range. It can't start war with the only place of safety. Panem can't kill another Girl's Sister. I lay on the ground in silence. Austin taps me on the shoulder. "Are you. Ok?" He looks at me with a small smile. "The capitol of Panem.  They killed my sister." My eyes tear up. Austin loses his smile. We sit there in silence. I blink tears out of my eyes as I think about Jewel. "I just want to be safe." I choke on my words. I lost the only closest thing to me, and I can't lose myself to the Capitol either. IAustin pulls my face to his.

I put my Fourhead on his and cry. His lips close against mine, and we kiss. It gives me warmth and happiness. But nothing can heal me. His lips move from mine, and his eyes catch mine. "I will protect you Crystal." Austin puts his hand on mine and closes his fingers around it. I lock my fingers in between his. He pulls me up, and helps me run. We run to an apartment building, Peri having the time of her life. Austin walks through the glass doors and to the elevator. He punches in the number 24 and closes the door.

The elevator dings as we reach level 24. The glass door opens. Austin walks down the single hallway, entering a door. "Amiela." I remeber. Austin bites his lip. "She will be ok. She's like you. Escaped Panem, but at a younger age. Her parents died, so she was adopted here." He looks at me. I nod. Amiela, she can't be from Panem. I feel a hint of lie in her story.

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