Day 4, cotinued: Fire and Water don't mix

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I stare at the girl. I can't risk losing Mae, or all the supplies inside the cave. Instead of setting my spears down, I walk closer to the girl, pointing the spears at her. She rolls her eyes. I soon having the spear touching her jacket. She chuckles, and pulls on the spear. She snaps it in half. I gasp. "You are kidding me right!" I shout. "Nope." The girl chuckles again. "She must be insane." I mumble. She walks closer and closer to me, holding the spear end to my neck. Soon I am dancing on the edge. The snow on the groudn beneath me looks terrifying.

I hold my own ground, and I kick with my good leg. I suddenly rememeber what happened last time. I fell off and hurt my back, I can't let that happen again. "Bad move." The girl grabs my leg, and takes a knife out. She cuts into it. I scream. "I'll kill you slwoly. It's entertaining" She stares at the knife, twirling it. "Now where do I hurt you next. Oh I know. Your ears so you won't have to hear the pain." She walks to where I stand. My leg gives out and I fall. She lets go of the other leg. I lay there, waiting. But before she cuts anything, the girl rolls me over and then pushes me.

First goes my head. I feel nothing beneath it anymore. Then my chest. Then my legs. I fall. As I fall I feel tears roll down my cheeks. "I want you to understand from up there Jewel." I mumble. "I tryed to stay alive, but I failed. Now I can see you again right?" I ask, countinuing to fall. I hit the ground, and feel blood trickle through out the snow. "When does it all end" I ask myself. I hear the boy and the girl take our stuff and run off. They didn't want to kill us, but just take our stuff.

I feel no need, once again to countinue like this. I lay in the snow unable to move. I look up, with just my eyes to where Mae was. I see her attempting to climb down. "I'm sorry." I whisper. Cold goes through me. "I did my best didn't I?" I ask myself. "Crystal." A voice carries through out the landscape. "Why did you leave." The voice asks. "Austin." I look up. His face looks cold, but he looks well fed and healthy. "Help." I shiver, my lips turning purple.

I feel him pick me up and put me on something. I can see a blanket, from one of the backpacks laying under neath me. "Thank you." I crack through my tears. Blood stains the blanket, from my leg. It trickles down, staining my pants too. "Jewel. If you can see me, than please cheer me on." I say through out my mind. I feel heat. A fire. I haven't felt this cared for since - well since I last saw Austin.

Thoughts that go through my head are broken, by Mae. "Who are you." I hear her take out a weapon. "Name's Austin. I'm Crystal's friend." Austin says. "Please take care of her." Mae fills the forest with her voice. 'Uh?" He says, confused. "I don't need your help to survive." Mae gasps, through pain. "No." Austin breaks the silence. "W-what?" She whipes tears from her face. "You are to stay here, or else I'll kill you." A pause. Nothing comes from the two. Silence fills the empty forest with despair.

"Fine." Mae's words break the silence. "I'll stay." She puts her weapon away and sits beside me. "Here." She throws something to him. "For me?" He asks. "No dummy. For the bleeding girl over here." Mae rolls her eyes. "Oh. Sorry about that.." Austin begins unraveling something.

They may not get along, but Mae and Austin are saving my life. I know that all of us will die, no doubt about it, but there is nothing stopping that.

"Fire and Water don't mix. So don't try to burn a fire in water." Jewel's voice whispers in my head. "I won't" I reply, a smile across my dead face.

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