Panem's Air Threat

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I sit up. I'm not staying here. I can't. I walk to the door and grab the handle, taking Peri with me. "Where are you going?" Austin looks at me. "No where" I bite my lip. "Crystal." Austin says as I open the door even more. I run out, leaving the door wide open. I reach the elevator, and begin to spam the down button. Austin comes rushing after me. I become in pacient and rush to the door leading to the stairs. My feet spend less then a milasecond on each step ad though I am in a rush.

I hear Austin open the door as I reach the door to the 20th level. I open it silently and shut it slowly. Peri pants beside me, tired and weary. I walk slowly to the elevator, and press the down button. I wait, tapping my heels against the floor. The Door opens, no one inside. I tip toe in with Peri. I silently press the number 1 button and feel the doors crash behind me. The elevator thrashes against the walls, hurtling downwards. Suddenly it stops. The large metal doors open, and I walk out. Quickly I run out of the Apartment building and down the street. Someone stops me. "You can be just as dead as your sister." They grab my shoulder but I jerk away.

I run down the street scared to death. Swiftly I turn corners, not leaving a trace of existence. Soon, I become tired. Peri barks and nudges me. "What is it girl?" I ask. She nudges me again and looks across the road. I notice what she sees, a park with benches. I cross the road quickly, making my self become out of breath. I find a bench and sit down panting. My fingers are wet, from sweat. I want to be safe, not here. I thought Ersol was safe, but then I realize. The reason I haven't been safe this while time is because, of Panem attacks. I bite lip.

Across from sits a boy, with dark brown hair and light silver eyes. With him is a dog. Peri barks at the dog. A girl with blonde hair walks in front of him and sits with me. "I still can't believe he likes you." Amiela laughs. "Go away." I kick her. She gets up and looks at me. "You are a idoit." She smiles evilly. "He's mine, I've known him for longer. I can't afford to lose something else close to me and have someone replace them."

"Austin can like who he wants." I reply. Ameila punches me. "Get away from him and I, you outsider! You belong in Panem!" I put my hand where she punched me. "Go away. You don't belong here. Go to your pity dying country and die like the rest of your friends and family!" Amiela screams. I feel a pince of anger flood through me. "Have him. You are physco." I storm off. Peri follows beside me.

I walk down the street. A loud rumble crushing beside me. I look up. A Panem hovercraft shoots a bomb at the building beside me. I run. Peri runs beside me quickly. I see another hovercraft shoot a bomb at another building. Why are they doing this. Those idiots. I run down the streets, hearing scream upon scream. A woman runs in front of me, her hair flying out. She holds a basket in her hand. I pay less and less attention to the women. Suddenly she turns around, pulls some sort of laser and shoots it at a Hovercraft. A firey hole devolps in the bottom of the Hovercraft that she shot at.

I run past the woman and down the streets. A voice loud blares over some speaker. "Citizens of Ersol. Today we take four unlucky souls to perticapte in our Hunger Games, or you die." I put my hand over my mouth. No. They can't do this.

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