Best Friend's Anger

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Mia sits down. We sit in my  old house. One of the only twenty houses that survived the bombing.  I look at her. "You ok?" I ask. She shrugs. "I'm still kinda mad. But I guess my anger has been taken over by sadness." She frowns. "I understand how you feel. That's what happened to me when Jewel got picked." I choke on Jewel's name. I haven't gone up to our room. I don't want to, it will push to many memories into my mind.

I take a sip of my water. It's cold and tastes salty. I sit up and look out the window. Snow falls slowly. I'll freeze to death in the games. I look at Mia as I sit down. She sips her tea not talking. "Want a bagel?" I ask. She nods. I walk over the pantry. I grab two bagels and some cream cheese spread. I take a butter knife and spread the Cream Cheese on the bagels.

I take the two bagels and put them on a plate. I walk back to the table and set the plate down. Mia takes a bagel and begins to nibble on it. "Thanks." She mummurs I nod.  "No Problem" I smile. We sit there in silence. I pick up a newspaper I have sitting on the table. I read it. The Headline reads "What to expect in the next Hunger Games". I read it frowning.

"The next Hunger Games have come earlier than expected. President Huntvine seems to have chosen a new idea for the Games. With the last one, we only had 12 Tributes but this time around there will be 28 tributes. There will be the normal 24 Panem Tributes but with 4 Ersol tributes. It seems that Huntvine had a meeting with the Ersol president, and even she agrees with the idea of Huntvine. The Hunger Games will become a continental viewing."

"Huntvine says to watch out for what could be coming in the games. Tributes if you may be reading this, expect a lot of weapons that has long distance, mountains and forests. Weather will be Snowy and cold according to the location of the arena."

I stop there. I frown. There has never been annocmemt like this. Something confuses me. "Wanna take a look?" I ask Mia. She nods and begins to read. I stare at the back page. It has no heading, just pictures and comics. Mia slaps the page down. "What is wrong with these phonys?" She shouts. "What did you read?" I ask. "The risk of how quick the tributes could die." She mummurs. I nod.

"Crystal. I don't want you to leave me." Tears form in Mia's eyes. I hug her. "I'll try to live." I whisper. "But if you live then Kal dies." She cries. I stop hugging her. I lean back. She's right. If I live Kal has to die. If I die Kal can live. "I'll risk my life for you." I say. She looks at me. "Don't do it Crystal." She cries. "Don't go when the day comes. We can go back to Ersol!" Mia shouts. "No Mia! Don't you understand? They'll come looking for me! I'll become a Avox, just like my dad!" I shout at her.

She looks at me tears all over her face. "You never told me that." Mia mummurs. "Because I was told when we were distant." I say. "You didn't even tell me when we were close again!" Mia shouts. She throws the plate from the bagels and the newspaper across the room. The plate shatters underneath the old wooden table in the kitchen. "Get out." I say.

Mia storms out, and slams the door. Tears form in my eyes. "It didn't have to be this way." I whisper, wiping my eyes. I walk over to the plate. I pick up the broken pieces and the newspaper. I read something under a heading that says "District Twelve may have won last games, but things have changed". I put my hand over my mouth. This is what angered her.

"District 12 has a %5 chance of winning this year. It won't be like last year. Their Tributes will die with no doubt. Sorry District 12."

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