Advanced Choices

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I rub my head. "We must be almost there." I pant at Mia. She looks at me. "I believe you are correct. I remeber this clearimg, it was our second campsite." Mia replies. I lean over and pet Peri. "Hey girl. You doing OK?" I smile. Peri replies with a bark. "Keep waking Crystal. Yesterday we started this Journey and we won't stop it now." Mia snorts. I nod. Peri follows me to Mia. "Time?" She asks.

"5:20pm. The sun is going to set soon. We won't get there today." I reply. Mia nods. "What's done is done. We can't stop the sun." "Where are we going to camp out?" I ask. "Here." She smiles. And so we pull stuff from her overweight bag. I grab the single tent and set it up. "Good job." Mia gives me a thumbs up when I finish. She lays the sleeping bags in the tent. I pull the matches out, and lay them down.

"I'm going to get some firewood." I shout to Mia as I walk into the Forest. The forest is gloomy and cold. It has nothing but the wood in its area. I pick up several logs and sticks. While walking I trip on a fallen tree. "Eek!" I mumble. In front of my face is a paper with the words "Panem's 80th Hunger Games. The 20 Panem Tributes." I pick it up and hold it underneath the wood.

I walk back to the camp thinking heavy thoughts. Am I one of the 24 advanced chosen tributes? I hope not. I set the firewood down and hold the sheet. The paper has bold typewriter words. Half of the page is boys. The other half is girls. My eyes drift to the girls side. I look down at the bottom of the page. Before I can read the District 12 Girl, Mia snatches the paper from me. "What's this?" She laughs.

Mia's eyes look down at the sheet. Her smile disappears. "No." Tears fill in her eyes. "THEY CAN'T DO THIS!" She screams. I look at the paper. District 12. Crystal Everin. I put my hand over my mouth and look at the boy who go's with me. Kal Mithic. "Mia." I look at her. "They can't kill him" She whispers. "They won't." I whisper back. "But if he doesn't, you will die" Tears flood in Mia's eyes.

I shake. They did this for a reason didn't they. Panem is rigged. I never should have come back. I wish Jewel was alive. I can't deal with the pain that The Capitol has made grow inside me. I scream. "Everything is over for me!" Mia kneals down and cries. I stand there tears rolling down my cheeks. I clutch the necklace with Jewel's ashes inside. Tears flood through my eyes.

I give up on crying. It's useless. My life is over. I won't win. I know I won't. If I do, I'll end up like Jewel. Die while fighting afterwards. I pick of the firewood and begin to make a fire. Soon enough a roaring fire is in front of me. Any tears on my face have dried. I can't be a strong winner if I'm just going to fall in the middle of the games. It won't be like Jewel's Games. There won't be 12 Tributes. It will be 24 tributes this year.

Mia comes over a sits down beside the fire. We talk for sometime about why the Capitol is insane and why Panem should just explode. We talk about why they may have chosen Kal and I. She finally sits there and gives up on talking. I pet Peri and stoke the fire. I sit up, grab some hot dogs from the bag and stick them on a stick. "Hot dog?" I ask. Mia just nods.

I look at Mia after a while. She reminds me of Jewel. Smart. Pretty. Witty. Weak when losing something. Strong. And able to fight anytime. "I miss Jewel." I mummur.

"We all miss the ones we lose. But they are telling us not to give up hope and to continue to do what we wish to do with our lives."

Hey guys.
So I love this book and all but I'm having troubles writing chapters for it. I tend to forget to write and post, making this book lose views quick. I'm trying to get some help with the book, so look forward to more upcoming chapters!

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