Chapter 5: The Note

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I can't help but keep thinking about what Gerard was about to say. It haunted me all weekend, it sucked. I just kept coming up with random things, 'Oh, you know, I'm gay and scared that if they find out, they'll murder me,' haha, I'm funny sometimes. I sigh as a realize that it's time to get up and go to hell. I mean prison. I mean school. You know what? I think hell and prison combined would be better than school. I'd probably even get along better with Satan than I do with all this bullshit.

I go through my normal, morning routine which is: wake up, shower, get dressed, brush hair and teeth, put on cologne and eyeliner, jacket, earbuds in, hood up, head down. I walk very quickly to school because today took me extra long because, you know, IT'S MONDAY.

When I get in the school, I'm immediately shoved against the door, "So, Iero, how was your weekend? Kinky? I'm surprised you can still walk!" Yeah, go Greyson. Nice one! Haven't heard that one before! This certain asshole always, and when I say always, I. Mean. ALWAYS, makes jokes about me getting fucked up the ass. I am a virgin, thank you.

"I'm a virgin, Greyson," I sigh while taking our my earbuds.

"Mhm, yeah, sure, let's go with that," he laughs this scary as fuck, sadistic laugh. Then moves closer so now he is really towering over me. This dude is huge! He's like 6'5 and could probably bench me time 30!

Next thing I know, my head is getting bashed into the door and I'm being pushed violently to the ground. My backpack and books go skidding across the hallway.

Oh, great, time for my favorite game! 'Let's See Who Can Give Frank The Most Bruises'

After about five minutes of kicking, they leave.

I struggle to get up and go get my stuff, and then head to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see that my nose is bleeding, my lip is busted, I have a black eye, and I'm covered in bruises. At least my nose ring was still there, perfectly intact. I'm surprised it didn't get ripped-or kicked, in this case- out.

I grab paper towels and hurry to music, fucking yay.

When I get in, I hear the whole room gasp. What? Never seen a midget get beaten up before?

I sit down by my group and groan while doing so. "Holy shit! What happened? Are you alright? Who did it?" Mikey questions me.

"Well, I got beaten. Again. I'm fine, and ask Gerard, I'm pretty sure he told them to."

"Gerard. Who?" Mikey says through gritted teeth, he's never seen me get hurt this bad, but even when it's just small, he get PISSED.

"I don't know, I've been in here the whole time. Was it John?"

"No, Greyson," I reply and groan again.

"Greyson? Did that?" Gerard questions.

"Not all of it, there was, like, seven others all kicking me and shit," I sigh and groan again, it hurts to breathe!


American History, third hour, and BORING.

The teacher, Mrs. Bartley, was going off about the Civil War while I just sit here, groaning in pain, and trying not to focus on the pain.

"Frank, can you tell me which-" she started but got cut off by the phone ringing. "Hello? .... Yes he is.... Sure thing."

"Frank, office."

I gather my binder and papers and walk to the office, "Uh, Fra-"

"I know who you are," the lady at the desk said bitterly, "the principal wants to talk to you."

I walk in and sit down, "Um, did I do something wrong?"

"No, I've just noticed a few things. You walk around with bruises covering your body. Are you getting abused at home?"

"Ha! I wish!" I exclaim, seriously, of rather get hit by my mother and father rather than the fucking steroid addicted dicks that come here.

"Oh, do you know the names of the people who do this to you?"

"Nope, but you know, I think they cracked a rib, you know, it really hurts!" I say while pulling my shirt up.

"Oh, oh, go to the nurse!"

I chuckle and leave, I love the nurse. She is so nice and I just... She's my friend. I come in like twice a week, once if I'm lucky. She knows who my bullies are, but doesn't spill because she knows that I don't want to get them in trouble and then get beat even worse.

I go to my locker and open it, a little piece of paper flys out, landing gently next to my left foot. I stick my things in my locker and bend down to get the paper, it read, in neat hand writing, 'Meet after school, by the front gate... Please.' Then it was signed as, '-Another Faggot'

I shrugged and put the note in my pocket, couldn't be that bad. Then I entered the nurse's office. "Hello, Victoria!"

"Hey, Fra- Oh my gosh, Frankie!" She practically ran over to me examining my bruises and my face and then asks, "Was it Gerard?" She knows about my crush on Gerard, haha, it's weird that she knows more about me than my own mother.

"Ah, not this time, Vicky, it was Greyson and a few-seven-others. They played a nice little game of 'Let's See Who Can Give Frank The Most Bruises'. It was very unpleasant."

"I see, those bastards need to get the shit knocked out of them a few times," she mutters as she goes to get an ice pack, "I got a gun, what to you say we give them more than they bargained for?" She chuckles as she places the ice pack on my head.

"I would love to, but I don't feel like getting arrested for murder, oh, and I didn't come for my face or that. They actually got my ribs pretty bad," I chuckle lightly and remove my shirt, my ribs are bruised and swelling.

"Oh, shit," she murmurs, "that's the worst I've seen on you yet."

"Aha, me too," I say.


So, the end of school comes and I went outside to meet that guy or girl or whoever by the gates.

To my surprise they were standing there when I got out.

"Ray?" I ask questioningly.

"Ah, Frank! I needed to ask you something!"


"Can you help me get together with Mikey?"

"Yes, he likes you anyways," I laugh lightly.

He sighs in relief, "Well, that makes this even easier!"


Sorry this one is horrible, I was writing it at first and then when I highlighted something, I accidentally hit 'select all' and then while I was trying to make it like not highlight it all, I accidentally hit on 'paste' so it removed EVERYTHING I had written and replaced it. -.- so, I had to write it all over again. t(-.-t)

Anyways, comments? I like getting feedback.


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