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Bianca's Pov

     Michael had found me on the floor. He looked so hurt when he saw me. I couldn't have looked that bad. Well I was wrong cuz when He took me into the bathroom I burst intot ears at the sight of my reflection. My eyes were read, my lip busted.  Michael grabbed a wet towel and started cleaning my face. After 10 painful minutes went by, he was done.

Michael: How did this happen?

Me: It turns out I'm not pregnant. Marcus and I went to the doctors and they told me that I wasn't pregnant. Marcus looked like the whole world broke from him. I was relieved and upset. Don't get me wrong I wanted to have the baby but I'm not ready for one. When we got here he didn't say anything. I went to the bathroom and when I came back I saw that he was going through my phone and had a pissed off look on his face. I asked whats wrong and he just blew up. Apparently Lo texted me saying how sorry he was for saying and doing all those things to me. Also how he just hoped we could be friends. I guess Marcus just took it some kinda way, and you know the rest cuz you heard it.

Michael: How could he do that to not only a female but to you? Knowing everything you've been through?!

He was starting to get loud. I just got up, gave him a hug and told him I had to go. I got up and walked out the door. I don't even know where Im going, just anywhere away from here. Away from my life.  It was dark and I just found my self caught in the middle of the road. I saw lights coming but I found myself not caring. The last thing I remember was hearing a "LOOK OUT B!" then I was swallowed by darkness. I found myself hoping I wouldn't wake up.

HELLO MY CATERPILLARS! First chapter since I'm back.....I hope you enjoyed it! Please like, vote, comment and share! But please comment and let me know how you liked this chappy!


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