The Friend.

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Carlee walked though the Christmas decorated Toronto. It would have been so beautiful if she wasn't so angry. She saw Sammy where they had said and went inside. Dropped her Starbucks cup on the table and dropped the bags down on the seat next to her.

"Someone seems to be in the wrong mood, What happen?" Sammy said carefully and handed Carlee the menu. Carlee pushed it away and Sammy took it as a sign she wouldn't be eating soon. Carlee took a deep breath.

"So I was to Starbucks to get myself a hot cinnamon hot chocolate right, Witch for the record is delicious.  There was this cashier. She asked for my number and when i said i already was taken, She called me Dyke" Carlee said. "Do i look that much like a guy? I was really trying today not to... I wanted to surprise the guys with thank gifts after coming to my show... and surprise Matt..." Sammy blinked and shaked her head.

"You do defenetly not look like a guy.. nor a Dyke. I mean you are a tomboy. Tomboys have some femininity to them even though they are boyish.." Sammy said and held her hand tightly. "Please, Have some food.. Knowing you you haven't eaten all day.." Carlee sighed and gave Sammy a nod. 

"Just something little... My stomach is to upset.. And i got you something" She smiled and started looking though the shopping bags and hands it to Sammy. Sammy smiled big and took it. "Open it, I want to see your face when you see it" Sammy looked in to the bag and picked up a new Iphone case and squealed when she saw what was on it.

"You have to be kidding!" She said and changed it right away. Carlee shaked her head.

"One of a kind" She giggled when the woman came to take the orders. "One plate with fries and a little cheese burger with cola please" Carlee smiled softly, She took Sammy's order too. They talked and talked for hours and didn't seem to notice the time passed by, Suddenly Carlee's phone was ringing.

"Shit, It's Matt. Baby give me a second i just need to" Sammy smiled and shaked her head showing her she was getting them something to drink anyway.

"Hey, Matt!" Carlee said happy in the phone. Matt broke out in a giant smile hearing she was feeling good.

"Hey there, Baby girl. I just got home and you weren't here.. Are you still with Sammy?" He asked and started picking around the kitchen to find something to eat and Carlee could hear the guys.

"Really? I thought you guys were staying all night?" Carlee said. "And yes I'm still with her wanna say hi?" Matt broke out in laughter. 

"Sure why not?" Carlee gave the phone to Sammy who just sat down. She and Matt spoke for a moment.

"Sure, I will come by as soon as the tour is over don't worry, Here Carlee wants to say something to you before she hangs up" Sammy handed over the phone and Carlee started talking.

"Do you need something home or will you order takeout?" She asked and Josh yelled in the background.

"Seems like we are ordering take out, Josh is being the child and wants pizza, so i guess. Just bring me one or two things. Chocolate and Coffee. We got none." He said still looking though the cabins.

"I already got that, Our favorites." Carlee said and smiled. 

"Then it's nothing, See you when you're back, Don't be to long it's pretty late. Love you" He said and closed the phone.

"Love you too" Carlee smiled and closed the phone. Turned to Sammy and Sammy couldn't stop wondering.

"You guys have always been together, I'm so surprised nothing have happen til like 6 years later.." She said and looked curious at Carlee, Carlee blushed.

"Weeeeellll, I was scared to show my body to him and let him see how bad it really is... And it was worst in High School remember...?" Carlee looked down and felt so ashamed over her scars. Sammy remembered the first time she saw Carlee's marks and how shocked she was, Let along understand how Matt felt when he find out. She shaked her head and finished her drink.

"I'll take you home come on, I can't let you walk the night alone" She smiled and took the bags and started walking to the car. In front of the apartment they said their goodbyes and Carlee looked for her Keys and kicked of her shoes the second she was inside and smiled seeing it was dark and only one light was on and it was in the kitchen, She Tiptoed in and saw Josh asleep on the sofa Ian and Mike spread over the floor each one with a colorful blanket she suspected Matt had taken from her room considering Matt didn't want to much color around the living room. She smiled and let the bags down in the kitchen having Matt snap out of his thoughts and what he was doing. He looked at her without looking away once, Carlee smiled as a hello. Matt stood up didn't care and pulled her in to a kiss, Carlee almost dropped what she was holding not expecting such a reaction from him. She let the coffee down on the counter and gave in to the kiss and pulled him closer to her. He broke free and smiled so big, resting his forhead against hers.

"Welcome home" He said and didn't loosen his grip around her. "The boy's fell asleep as soon as the food arrived"

Carlee smiled. " And i ofcorse couldn't sleep because my girlfriend wasn't here to keep me calm and keep the nightmares away."

"I'm here now" She smiled and reached for Matt's bag. "Close your eyes" She said and Matt did as he was told, he felt something soft and warm around his neck and a kiss. "Open" Matt opened his eyes and he looked down and there it was a warm winter scarf he was so lazy to get. He broke out in a smile.

"Do you know how long i have been needing one?" He nuzzled her hair when she turned and started to pack the things out.

"Long?" She smiled and started to fix the things hearing Mike move on the floor and sit up. "Ups...." She said and she saw him turn and see her.

"Ah, Welcome back!" Mike said cheery but tired. Carlee smiled and did a sign for him to go back to sleep and so he did, signing a thumbs up to Matt witch broke out in laughter. 

"They really really are happy for us.. Not so sure about Josh though.. But Ian and Mike." Carlee smiled and yawned.

"You tired?" Matt said softly and took the scarf off because it was hot. Carlee nodded but didn't move against the room she kept packing up instead. Matt could see it was presents for each band member and things for the house like snacks and things that was needed. "Why didn't you call me and tell me you had a shopping spree today...?"

"I didn't because you my love had work to do" She smiled and Matt started to put the things where they are suppose to be to hurry up the process to get his princess to bed before she faints or falls asleep standing. He looked at each package that was named out to each member and he felt on Josh's.

"You know you can open this and hand it to him now" Matt said and smiled, Carlee nodded and Matt took that as a yes and ripped it open and laughed inside it was s stuffed animal looking like a koala. "Josh?" He laughed and Carlee smiled and took it from him and put it next to Josh and without waking up he hugged it close and Carlee smiled and suddenly felt very dizzy she held her head and whimpered. Matt knew exactly what this meant, He got her water, iron pills and lifted her up and took her to the room and lied her down.

"I'm fine, Matt...." He smiled and handed her the pills and she sighed and drank them knowing arguing wouldn't do good.

"Can i at least change in to my PJ's?" She asked knowing how protective he is, He nodded.

"Go, I'll wait for you right here" She left the room and walked in to hers and find what she was looking for changed and got back inside and curled up next to Matt in the bed, Face to face. She traced his hair, Cheek, neck and collarbones. She couldn't stop doing that, she just couldn't stop loving what she saw. He was so perfectly carved every bone every muscle in his body. He was made for her, He was made from her fantasies.  She smiled and curled in to his chest.

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