The news

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 Carlee woke up by sounds outside her room, she groaned and refused to move her head was trobbing and she expected it was the fever. She looked around the room and saw the glass and the pills and a tiny note saying: -good morning, lover ;) I went shopping for food. Drink the pills rest and come join us after you rest


Carlee sat up almost fighting with her body to be able to. Took the pills and drank all the water almost tearing from pain. She went back to sleep. After a couple of hours she woke up by voices and congratulations outside her room again, Matt was sounding so happy, Carlee could hear Nicole. She shoot up from the bed fixed the hair as good as she could, changed to a little more festive clothes and went out to say hello, but at the door she had opened she grabbed the side to not faint, Ian noticed ran to help.

"Why are you up and walking...?" He asked having Carlee holding his hand not to fall. 

"I-I heard Nicole... I wanted to say hello... I haven't seen her for so long..." Carlee said sniffing.

"Shh Carlee no crying.." Ian said soothing and let her down in the sofa. "Wait here, I'll get you some tea and Josh" Carlee nodded and curled up in the sofa tearing so much. Josh walked in, saw Carlee all curled up. 

"Hey baby, scooch.." He helped her up and put her so her head was resting on his chest, Josh started caressing her hair.

"It hurts" she cried and nuzzles in to Josh's chest. She could feel his hand caressing her hair, Josh smiles when he saw how it made her sleepy again. 

"Is she ok...?" A soft voice asked carefully. Josh looked up and shakes his head. "If her fever keeps spiking I will have to take her to the hospital..." Nicole caresses her hair carefully.

"Congratulations, Lee" she smiles. "Your dream is finally coming true" she continued. "I remember when she was little or younger, I think around high school. She told me "I will make Josh Ramsay mine" and here you two are engaged and all" Josh broke out in laughter. "I do know that one, how's it going between you and Matt? Gone official yet?" Nicole nodded. "To family, the thought was to come official to our friends too today but cuz Carlee is sick we will wait" Carlee on the other hand was listening to every word she was saying and teared -Matt moving away? No- "No! Matt is mine! You're not taking him way from me!" She yelled right out and teared more. Nicole jumped back shocked. Her face not able to read anything except tears and fear in Carlee's face. "I'm not taking him away, Lee....We are still going to stay close... He told me he refuses to leave you..." Carlee was crying from all the pain confusion and how mushy her brain was feeling she held it and whimpered, Both Nicole and Josh could see this was bad. VERY Bad. "Hospital?" Nicole said to Josh. He nodded. "Hospital" Josh carried Carlee to the car, Matt packing her over night bag coming after with Nicole and Ian. Josh ran with Carlee in his arms to the IR and they took her in. The nurse a tall woman with brown hair to her shoulder, blue scrubs matching her eyes. Looked at Josh. "Are you the boyfriend?" She asked carefully. Josh nodded. 

"Fiancé to be correct" the nurse took a deep breath. 

"She has gotten the flu, she needs a lot of bed rest and water. Also we will keep her over night because we find something abnormal in her stomach" she said. "Are you two sexually active and do you use protection?" Josh looked at the nurse in a way saying -"really?"- 

"Yes we are and she uses the pills, before that we used condoms" the nurse nodded and scribbled down on the charts. "I was gone for a tour the past few months, around Europa.. When I got home she was so sick we haven't been able to do anything except the first night back.." The nurse nodded and smiles. "Thank you for the information, you know one miss or not taking pills can couse pregnancy." She giggled. "You can come with me to see her, do you want to stay the night?" Josh walked in to her room, Carlee was hooked to iv with vitamins. Josh pulled a chair and sat down next to her and held her hand tight. "They say you got the flu.. And that they find something that's not right in your stomach so they will keep you over night..." Carlee moved and tighten her grip around Josh's hand. "I'm... I'm not ready...." She forced out. "I'm not ready... I took my pills... I was a good girl..." Josh nodded and cuddled down next to her. His arms wrapping around her. "Shhhh I know, I'm not blaming you...I'm not ready to be a dad ether..." Carlee curled in to him so much and started to shake and cry, for the first time in three years she grabbed a panic attack. She could feel how hard it was for her to breath, her chest hurt and she couldn't stop her tears. Josh started caressing her hair and back. Suddenly someone knocked on the room door. "Come in!" He said and Matt almost ran in dropped her bag and ran to the bed, sitting next to her bed and made her look at him. Carlee chocked out the words "t-they think I'm pregnant..." Matt tilted his head. Carlee just lied there not moving. "I think they are very wrong, knowing you, that won't happen until you're married.." Josh nodded. Carlee started to have real bad breathing problems and all the machines she was hooked to started to beep and the doctor ran in and gave her a sedative to calm her down from having a full blown panic attack. Josh let her lie down on his chest. 

"Doc did you find what was wrong?" Matt asked softly seeing josh worry more for Carlee then the problem.

"We have, can we take it outside?" Matt stood up and followed the doctor, closed the door after himself and looked up. The doctor looked back and held the charts. "Are you her fiancé Joshua Ramsay?" Matt shakes his head. "No, I'm Matt Webb her guardian in case something happens to her" the doctor looked though the charts and find Matt's name and nodded. 

"She's in the first stage of pregnancy, we guess it's around two weeks old" Matt blinked. "Oh... Alright.. Anything else I should know?" The doctor shakes his head. "That's all." He left, Matt went back inside pale and shaking. Carlee was asleep on Josh's chest. "Can I talk to you?" Josh nodded. "She's knocked out from the sedatives"

"She's pregnant" Matt blurred out. "They think it's two weeks, witch means her pills haven't worked that one time.." Josh's hand stopped in it's move. He started to get pale. 

He put his hand on her stomach not able to believe that's the case. Matt looked at Josh with worried eyes.

"I'm going to be a dad..." He said quiet. "I'm going to be a dad..." His hand went down to Carlee's stomach again and held his hand there breaking out in a teary smile. Matt smiles too seeing Josh would do anything for Carlee and this baby. Matt grabbed his shoulder. 

"You won't be alone, I'm here too" Josh smiles and brushed away his tears smiling so big. "I always said I wasn't ready, but in the end this is all I ever wanted... A family" He held Carlee so close to his chest. The next morning she woke up feeling a lot better, seeing both the guys asleep. She stood up and went ti get something to eat and walked around the hospital till she find the cafeteria and smiled. She walked back holding snacks, hot chocolate for herself and coffee for the boys. They were both awake when she got back, Talking.

"Carlee sit down we have something to tell you..." Matt said and took a deep breath. Carlee sat down and saw the serious in this situation. "W-What's wrong....?" She asked almost dropping their drinks, Josh helped her and sat her down carefully. He sat down in front of her and smiled. "Carlee, We are having a baby.. The doctor says its around two weeks.." She looked so shaken and confused her hand going down to her tummy. "I....I'm... Yours?" She looked at Josh and he nodded, Both broke out in big smiled and Carlee started tearing.

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