The reunion.

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A couple of months later Josh woke up to the wonderful smell of breakfast. He stretched in bed and groaned remembering he had to pack for a world tour and he wouldn't see his girlfriend until he was back in Vancouver. He could hear her sing, her voice was so beautiful. He smiled, He loved waking up like this. The smell the sounds.  He reacted on the guitar, His smile grew bigger, Matt was there too and they were Jamming while she was cooking breakfast for them. He really didn't want to leave her.

Josh got up and stood at the door watching them both knowing they were to in to what they were doing. He took a deep breath just drinking in the sight. He loved watching Carlee in this mood, it didn't happen often she was happy in the mornings, She was normally a grumpy little kitten.

Carlee turned in her dancing and singing almost dropping the plate of pancakes.

"Good morning!" She smiled big, she was shining, She let down the plate and nodded for him to sit down, He smiled bigger and did as he was shown and looked at Matt that was smiling big too. 

"You two better say your good byes.. We are leaving tonight so we will be in time for the show..." Carlee started eating without a word, She squealed over how good the pancakes turned out and didn't really listen to what Matt was saying. when she finished witch was first of them all she put the dishes away, took a big glass of cold water and walked in to the room sighing seeing josh wasn't even half way done with his packing. She started to fold his things go the wardrobe picking out the things she knew he needed and used to bring with him on tours. She was looking for a shirt when she suddenly find a black fedora hat, she wondered where she had gotten it when she realized, looked at the door and back at it. She broke out in a big smile and put it on and kept packing. She looked for something she should put there for Josh not to feel to alone on the tour and find a teddy bear and smiled and packed him down too. Suddenly she was hugged from behind, Josh's arms tight around her.

"You're wonderful!" He said and nuzzled her. "Thank you for packing it down for me" He added and kissed her cheek softly. She giggled. 

"Look what i find" She smiled and put the hat on his head and cupped his cheeks. Josh looked at her.

"Isn't that the hat i threw out on the concert 2010?" He said and she nodded happy. "That's exactly the one" Carlee said and fixed it on Josh. "Are you bringing it on your tour? I remember i used it for a year straight when i was going out, Matt got kinda angry at me cuz he wouldn't see my hair" She giggled and Josh kissed her and nodded. 

"The less i can miss you the better" He said and nuzzled her. "Did you pack a stuffed animal too?" He said with big eyes and Carlee nodded again.

"My Teddy bear and your koala, I know you want it like home as much as possible..." She said. Josh held her tight and didn't want to let go. He woke up smiling and hit his head in the top bunk that was Matt's.

-Ah shit, Only a dream?- He told himself and looked at the phone, There was a text from Carlee. He groaned knowing she was having an other nightmare. He texted her.

-:Kitten, Are you up...?":- He sighed when it took a couple of moments to get a text. He looked at the picture and Carlee's eyes was swollen, looked like she had been crying.

-: I caught a cold... I can't come meeting you guys I'm so sorry....:- She texted back. -: I need to be better for the concert i promised to come too...:- Josh chuckled and smiled at the text.

-: Do you want me to bring you something tomorrow? Like food or medicine or just Starbucks:- 

-: Babe, Just come home and take care of me :) :- she texted back feeling a little better. -: Can you rest with me for a moment or two...? and sing to me...?:- she texted again. Without a warning Josh rigged up his computer and saw Carlee online and called her. Her face was on the screen and she looked so tired and coughed curled up in all the blankets they had around the house. She smiled.

"Hey there, Handsome..." She said coughing. Josh smiled. "Hey there beautiful." he said and wished of all his heart he just could caress her soft hair.

"I miss you, Well i have missed you sense you left home.. But i miss you extra much right now.." She said and coughed hard this time.

"Did you drink tea? and a lot of it?" He asked and smiled a little. "I missed you too, Kitten..." She looked at him and nodded. 

"I did... but it's kinda hard when it's in the kitchen..." She said and sniffed curling more in the blankets nuzzling Josh's pillow. "The guys from Down with Webster visited me yesterday... They brought me a lot of Asian food and soup... all cuz Sammy couldn't come.. She was too busy working..." Carlee coughed hard. Josh looked worried at her.

"Did Cameron help you around the house?" Josh asked and Carlee nodded.

"He did, He was so sweet." She smiled. "He even sang to me while they were watching the super bowl" Josh laughed. 

"That's good, you weren't alone at least" She shaked her head and was half asleep already. Josh just watched her and smiled falling asleep too. Suddenly Josh was snapped out of his sleep and Matt was shaking him and waving to the camera."Hey there, Cutie. See you in an hour or so." He smiled and turned to Josh. "You wake up we are back in Vancouver" He laughed and Josh Shoot up.

"We are back home!" He almost said ecstatic, closed the computer not caring the camera was on and started packing down everything fixing the bunk till next tour ran out of the bus hair messed up not fixed, Chill pants his jacket and a t shirt he stole from Carlee that was Matt's old one. He looked around and tried to find a store to get something for Carlee and saw one. He ran inside, Looked around and find exactly what he was looking for. He smiled, Ran back to the boys helped them and just wanted to get home.

"Come on hurry! My Kitten is sick! She needs me!" He stressed them. He almost threw his things in to the car sat in the drivers seat waiting for Matt drumming on the searing wheel. "Can you HURRY!?" Matt laughed so hard, Taking his sweet time putting all the things in the car. He sat down in the seat. 

"Let's go" He smiled. "So impatient." He added, Started the music and kept reading his book. Moments later they had parked he picked up his bags and Guitar, slowly he pulled out the key, opened the door quiet in case Carlee was asleep. "Kitten?" He asked quiet and walked inside, stopped in his steps to kick off his shoes. Smiled realizing she was resting and walked in to their room and there she was, Asleep, Curled in all the blankets Tissues all over the floor and cups, bottles. She turned because he heard the sound from the bags being let down on the floor. She blinked a couple of times to be able to focus and she shoot up with the little power she had left.

"JOSH!" She almost yelled and ran to him and hugged him tight almost crying.

"Yes, It's me adorable." He smiled and kissed her forhead. "Baby, you're burning up. Back to bed" He said and lifted her to bed, tucked her in and kissed her forhead. She didn't loosen her grip around him.

"No, No , No please no" She said begging. "Ill be right back,I promise i'll just get you tea and medicine" He picked up all the tissues and cups from the floor, Left them in the kitchen came back with Medicine. when he was back in the room she had already fallen asleep. He shaked her lightly, She sat up and he kissed her handing her the medicine. Half asleep she went back to sleep.

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