The work.

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Carlee woke up by someone laughing hysterically in the living room, she sighed and felt for Matt and he wasn't there. She sighed again and got up, taking her cardigan and went outside the room seeing Josh staring at the koala she left him the night before. He had the goofiest smile. He even had given it a blue highlight to look more like himself. He turned and saw Carlee standing there looking at him newly awake. His heart jumped in to his throat.

Grab yourself together man, She is Matt's girl. He said to himself.

"Did you like him..?" She asked softly nodding at the koala. Josh smiled more.

"Like him? I love him" He said husky trying to swallow his heart back to place, with no result. She smiled.

"I'm happy, i was worried you wouldn't..." Josh shaked his head and hugged the koala close.

"I will take good care of him" He smiled and showed the blue high light to her. Just then Matt and the rest of the guys were back. 

"Breakfast!" He smiled and let down a couple of bags on the counter looking a little strange at Josh like Josh was about to make a move on Carlee. Josh met his eyes and shaked his head and Matt calmed down. Starting to pack up the things he had brought, Mike was catching on. He took Carlee's cigarettes and handed it to her.

"I don't think a beautiful girl like you should smoke." He said and looked at the package with Marlboro. She pulled it out of his hands. Glaring.

"Is that any of your business? " She said sounding angry. Mike nodded. 

"It is, You're my friend." He said and pulled them back. 

"Don't come here and control what i do. It's my body my problem." She said pulling them back and Mike started to chuckle, Then turned in to laughter. Carlee looked at him confused still cranky because she just got up and Matt wasn't there. Mike ruffled her hair and she glared more.

"Easy tiger, I just worry for your health.. I want you to be around a long time" He said and went back to help Matt unpack. She took what was obviously for her and started to eat.

"So, What do you want to do today?" Matt asked, Leaning on the counter where she was sitting. Carlee shrugged.

"Anything that doesn't involve people.." She said, Matt had promised to spend his free day with her and she wasn't that happy about it knowing the rest of Mariana's trench would stay over an other night. "You can play Halo with the guys, I'll just go over to Sammy's or help her around the bar for a couple of hours.." Matt looked at her in slight shock.

"You have been going on and on about the day i was off work to be with you and now you are rejecting me.." He said slight hurt. She looked away and back at Matt.

"Only you." She said and stood up left the plate in the sink grabbed her cup, her notes and locked herself in her room. She lifted the phone and called Sammy.

"Yes?" Sammy said in the phone. "Carlee? I'm in a little hurry what is it?"

"I just wonder if you needed help.. I could jump in for a couple of hours...?" Sammy broke out in a smile. 

"Perfect, My normal worker is out sick today so yes we have a spot, Can you be here like. As soon as you're done waking up? Knowing you." Carlee broke out in a smile.

"Yes i can!" She said and clicked the phone changed in to something cute and smiled fixing her hair and makeup.

The guys were already playing Halo, Matt seemed slight upset. Carlee sighed, got close to his ear.

"Don't fall asleep early, ok?" She said and walked to the hall put on her shoes, opened the door.

"If there is something call me!" The guys groaned as answer and she left smiling. She took a smoke on her way to the coffee and smiled. Josh liked her present and so did the rest of the guys she giggled and danced her way there and saw Sammy outside. She waved happy and Sammy laughed.

"Something got you in a good mood" She smiled and Carlee nodded, Grabbed the tray Sammy was holding and danced away and started her day of work. She let the tray down and smiled at Sammy and Sammy nodded, Carlee started Marianas trench and danced around at work singing and humming their songs. At lunch someone she recognized entered but she didn't pay a lot of attention to the person. Until Sammy started waving after Carlee.

"Yes? " She said, looking at Josh and snorted. Josh smiled so big.

"I saw you had left and Matt said you were working here from time to time. So we decided we will order lunch from here and make it painful for you" He joked. Carlee sticked her toung out and Josh reached his hand out and caressed her cheek. "There it is that irritating hair" He smiled and held a blue hair in his hand. Carlee was blushing so red.

"Give me your damn orders!" She said harsh, she just wanted to leave so she could calm down.

Josh left her the orders and as soon as they were done she handed them to him, he kissed her cheek lightly as thanks and left. Carlee was so confused. This isn't happening. She couldn't start evolving feelings for Josh, He was unserious, cocky and irritating. Everything Carlee hated. She couldn't. She shaked her head and slapped her cheeks lightly fixed her outfit and kept going on with work brushing off that thought.

The clock struck 21:00 and her shift was over, She couldn't wait to come home, curl down next to Matt and watch a movie. In front of their apartment she stopped and listened. Seemed like no one was in there so she tiptoed in and saw Matt sitting there. Carlee smiled and closed the door so quiet, kicked off her shoes and hugged him from the behind.

"Hey there, Handsome" She whispered and Matt turned around so happy to see her.

"Welcome, home.. I was expecting you to call me to get you..." He said worried and Carlee shaked her head. 

"I wanted you to have fun with the boys, Witch doesn't seem to be around today.." She said looking around the apartment, and it was cleaned up nice.

"Well they said they were spending to much time here and keeping the couple from their alone time so after lunch they helped cleaning up and left." Matt said pouring up two glasses with wine, fixed up some fancy snacks and held up a movie. "Hope you still want to?" He smiled and Carlee broke out in a big big smile. She ran in to her room changed and came back Matt already on the sofa, she cuddled up next to him, purring and as soon as the movie started she fell asleep. Matt chuckled and caressed her hair. Just holding her close and he also fell asleep.

In the sight of your eyes. (Marianas trench Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now