The surprise.

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Carlee was standing in front of her mirror looking in to it wondering how she would get herself ready for today's events, She sighed walked to her closet and saw her red and blue dress, looking at her hair she decided on the blue and smiled looking for her black pums. Her phone blinged and it was Josh.

-: Feeling any better, Kitten?:-

-: I am, getting dressed now... After all i promised to take care of the VIP guests remember, I need to look good.:-

-:Baby, you always look good. want me to send Matt to pick you up?:-

-:Please, But like in an hour...:- She looked at the screen and sighed when there was no answer back and went to get ready got dressed, Changed her shoes, put on some makeup, fixed her hair and as soon as she was done Matt was standing in the corridor waiting. he looked at her like he never seen her that way.

"You're beautiful" he said and held a hand out for her and she took it and smiled. "Thank you, Matty" She smiled more. When they were at the location the VIP guests were already waiting to get in, Carlee smiled and stood in front of the group of girls waiting. One of them gasped.

"Y-You're Carlee Mathews!" She said so happy. Carlee smiled at her and nodded. "That's me" Carlee said and smiled bigger happy someone knows who she is. "D-Didn't you co write  Marianas trench's new album?"

Carlee blushed and shaked her head.

"I wrote 4 songs." She said smiling more. "Anyway Girls, I will show you around you will have a chance to meet the artists and have them talk to you, Also you will be with them during sound check."The girls nodded and seemed so excited just like Carlee did on her first concert ever with Marianas trench. The girl who recognized her before started talking again.

"My name is Lisa... And i absolutely adore you" She said happy, Carlee nodded and smiled.

"Thank you so much, Lisa" suddenly Josh passed them and stopped Carlee. "Babe, Can you be a dear...." He stopped in his words and saw the fans. "Carlee can you be a dear and get me some water and cola zero?" He moves his hand from her shoulder not to seem suspicious. Carlee nodded. "Of course, This are the VIP guests, Why not talk to them while i go get the things?" She said, Josh laughed and started talking to his fans and they were so happy. One of them kept looking at Josh. "Can i ask something?" She suddenly said.

"Of course, What is it?" Josh said and kept signing the things. She took a deep breath. "Are you and Carlee dating?" Josh's face suddenly changed, then broke out in a smile seeing his chance. "Can i let you girls in to a secret?" he said and looked at them, They nodded. "Carlee and i have been together for 3 years, I wanted to purpose to her today because it's our 4th anniversary today" He smiled so big. "So i wanted to surprise her with this. DO you think you all can help me out by spreading it to all the fan's as fast as possible outside later?" They all nodded and jumped around so happy.

"We can, we can!" They said and started dancing on the spot. "I will give you all Free CD's after the show as thanks" He smiled and gave them all a bear hug, He showed a Shh sign when he saw Carlee coming back.

"Ready girls to meet the rest of the group?" The girls nodded and Josh blinked at them and they all giggled. She glared at Josh and he just shrugged and left to go back to the Sound check.

The concert was getting closer and Carlee was watching the guys play though the sound check started singing with Josh her songs she smiled, The VIP guests were outside waiting with the rest of the guests, Josh smiled and jumped off stage and went to kiss his girlfriend, She kissed back. She smiled on her lips and she smiled back.

"How about you sing with me today? I mean after all we are playing your songs?" 

"Maybe, If i feel like" She teased and kissed him again, and he pulled away. "Backstage with ya" He smiled and pushed her lightly. "Fiiiiine" She whined and did as she was told. She watched them from behind on a screen and smiled. Josh on the other hand stepped down from the Scene and walked to the girls that he had met before.

"Did you guys get the signs?" He smiled and had his back against the TV. The girls nodded and moved something discretely at their legs.

"We managed to tell almost the half queue" Lisa said with a smile holding a bag of poppers and giggled. "I would love to see her smile after this, She deserves someone good, So do you" Josh ruffled her hair and smiled. "That's my girls, You know what to do and at what song" he blinked, Matt was looking from the scene wondering what was going on when Sammy stomped out on the scene and jumped down in the crowd.

"Don't think i'm missing this" She said holding a Champagne  . "Alcohol free" She smiled and pointed at the people behind her. "And don't you worry husband" She laughed. "Our wedding night wont be repeated" Mike laughed and nodded and everyone left the scene and all went dark and Carlee could feel Josh's hand on her shoulder she turned and he kissed her fast. "For good luck" He said and smiled, Carlee pushed him so he would go because he was first out on the scene, Mike and Ian helped him in his "Josh in the box", Matt was already ready to push it and so they all three did and went in places while Josh acted like Jack in the box and thew out his hat and the girls screamed.

Song and song passed and then it was time for Carlee to get up on stage for her song she was suppose to sing with Josh.

"Everyone give a good applause for Carlee Mathews!" He said in the mic and everyone clapped cheering. He smiled and they both took tones and he did the sign for the girls to do what they were suppose to when Carlee turned her back towards the public then turned back fully focused on the music and nothing else she put the mic away and let Josh sing and picked up the guitar and started playing, the sight got everyone to go quiet and just enjoy what she was playing.

She looked over the public and saw the signs read it and suddenly stopped playing and stood there eyes widen. Everything went quiet and the Atmosphere was going strange. Suddenly someone yelled "ANSWER HIM DAMN IT!"

Carlee looked around and saw Sammy and glared at her and back at Josh and nodded. "Y-Yes" She smiled and tears started to flow. "Yes.. I will" She said in the mic so everyone could hear. Josh went down on one Knee and held the ring towards her smiling. She held out her hand to him and he slide it on and she couldn't stop crying. Throwing the guitar aside she hugged him so tight and kissed him, Poppers were heard everywhere and cheers, Aww's and whistel's. Matt Started playing one of the songs they had written together and the concert went on like nothing had happen. In the end of it Carlee was sitting in the greenroom, Half asleep cuz it was getting late. Mike waked in stretching and groaning.

"Job well done bo...." He went quiet seeing Carlee asleep on the coach in all wait, He pointed and Josh smiled.

"Guess the excitement of the day wore her out?" Mike said quiet, Ian nodded agreeing. "I guess so too"

Josh put a little blanket on her so she wouldn't freeze and went to change his clothes. He came back and Matt had also fallen asleep but with Carlee in his lap. His hand was resting on her head like he had been soothing her from something.

He looked at Ian. Ian nodded to confirm what it was. "She woke up screaming from a nightmare..."

Josh softly felt her forhead, She was burning up. Her fever had spike. Josh sighed and realized maybe he should have let her stay at home after all. He lifted her carefully from Matt's lap her still wrapped in the blanket he gave her before. He lied her down at home when they got there, Matt messing up his hair yawning.

"Need a drink before bed?" He asked when Josh got out from the room. He nodded and sat down. "Good work today" He said. Josh nodded again, 

"What is it?" Matt asked. Josh took a deep breath. Looking at Matt.

"Will you be my best man?" He asked with so much hope, Matt broke out in a giant smile and nodded.

"Absolutely!" He shined, Josh broke out in a smile too and took the glass Matt gave him and they clanged them together.

"For an awesome concert and for your engagement!" Matt smiled. Josh hugged him.

"Thank you, For being my best friend."

In the sight of your eyes. (Marianas trench Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now