The confusion

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The next morning Carlee woke up to the beautiful sound of a guitar being stringed. She smiled to herself and turned hoping to see Matt but to her surprise Matt was cooking breakfast and it was Josh.

"Did i wake you?" He asked carefully. Carlee shaked her head and lied back down listening to Josh play, He shined because normally she would have chased him away. He started singing softly to Cross my heart and Carlee just smiled. She loved that song so much, How did he know? His smiled reached his ears and Carlee had never seen him smile that way ever before.

For a second she caught herself admiring Josh his hair, his face, his body, his hands, All of him. Specially his voice and eyes. She shaked her head and slapped her cheeks.

Carlee stop, He just looks better then normal cuz his singing. Grab yourself together girl. She said to herself. Stood up walked in to the kitchen kissed Matt good morning and smiled feeling a lot better.

"Good morning to you too" He smiled and handed her her plate with fruit knowing she didn't like having a heavy breakfast. She took it and smiled.

"When did he get here?" She said nodding against Josh who was to busy enjoying the music.  Matt started to think.

"Like 2 hours ago, We were suppose to eat and get to the studio finish our recording and get back here to party" He said and laughing. Carlee lifted an eyebrow.

"You know i beat you in any kind of drinking game, Matty" She smiled and Matt hugged her tight and whispers.

"If i win i get you this time, and if you loose you have to kiss.... Josh" He said and smirked. Carlee dropped her spoon not sure if Matt was kidding or not. "Hey easy i meant on the cheek... I would kill him if he touched your lips.." He kissed her lightly.  Carlee looked at Matt to be 100% sure and nodded. 

"I hope so..." Her heart was beating in her throat. Matt and Josh got ready to go to the studio they left each a list on the alcohol they wanted Carlee who was off work again had nothing better to do all day anyway,  She was walking through Vancouver, She smiled to herself. Once home she started cooking and the guys were home later that evening, Starving and worn out from work they all went to the food and started to eat.

"So good! Homemade!" Ian said with his mouth full. "aren't you eating?" Carlee shaked her head holding her drink.

"I grabbed a bite long before you guys got here, So i'm kinda full still" Smiles and sees everyone so satisfied.  She sat down in the coach and watched TV until the guys were satisfied and got their drinks sitting around on the floor. While Carlee got the whole sofa for herself. The door was ringing and Matt looked up.

"Who can that be?" And stood up he opened the door and Sammy was standing there with homemade cupcakes from the Coffee and smiled. "HEY!"

"Hope you didn't start the party without me, I closed early for this" Matt shaked his head and she went inside. Waves to everyone got herself a drink and joined the guys on the floor. "So What are we up to here?" She smiled.

"We were convincing the stubborn one to play spin the bottle" Josh said and nodded towards Carlee, She glared.

"Come on, Babe! Don't be so hard today enjoy have fun!" Sammy laughed and spun the bottle after a couple of spins they all were slight drunk and Matt spun the bottle and it stopped at Carlee, and because she lost their bet he was now smirking. 

"So i choose Josh and Carlee, You two should kiss, On the lips" He chuckled and Carlee was glaring so bad at Matt but he didn't  Care. Josh was looking like he just got slapped in the face. He looked at Carlee.

 Her eyes was screaming and Josh stood up and got close to her, They both felt the static, Carlee looked in to his eyes and josh was now so close she could feel his heat. His lips on hers and she whimpered pulling him closer having Matt pull them both apart. 

"I said Kiss not a full on make out" He said so furious but hid it under his cheery voice. Carlee stood up and smiled.

"Sorry, Guys i need to take a bath i work early tomorrow." Sammy looked at her like she didn't believe her eyes.

"You're not" She whispered. Carlee glared at her and left. She took a bath and Hid in her room. No one saw her more that evening.

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