The happiness

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Carlee had woken up way to early for her own good, She had nothing to do all day anyway. She sat outside on the balcony in the sun with a cup of tea and the last package of cigarettes she promised herself to smoke. She sighed and messed up her hair, She was getting worried. Nothing from the guys yet. She looked up , Sammy smiled down at her and held a big tray with breakfast for them.

"I have been telling you this forever, Use the ashtray don't throw the ash on the floor, Babe" Sammy said. Carlee smiled and nodded getting the ashtray.

"Did Mike call you yet? I mean none of the guys have" Carlee said very worried. 

"Hey, Calm down and eat your breakfast, They will call as far as we know Matt is the one that's more worried then you" She laughed. Carlee stood up went to her room and got back with one of Matt's guitars, a notepad and a pen. She looked at Sammy that was doing a guest that was saying "You serious again?"

"What, I need to get this song done... Josh wanted to record when he was back home... And considering we sing and play guitar i said i'll help him out with writing like three songs.." She shrugged.

"I see you have find what you want to do?" Sammy smiled big and refilled  Carlee's teacup while Carlee again lighted one of her cigarettes. "Josh have had a great influence on you.." Carlee shaked her head. 

"I did this long before i met Josh, you should know how many hours i spent in high school playing guitar..." Sammy smiled big and nodded just enjoying the sound from the guitar while Carlee was playing and humming.

Suddenly both got snapped out of their Trans like state by both phones ringing. Carlee lifted her phone and squealed seeing it was Matt calling.

"MATTY!" She said high pitched. "It's about Time i was so worried!" She said and kept scribbling down the lyrics.

"I'm so sorry i didn't call you earlier.. I really am, We just got to the town we are playing in tonight, Kitten... The arranger has asked us to go get a shower and eat. " Matt said so tired.

"Did you sleep anything...? I saw one of my pillows were missing.." Carlee said sudden change in voice.

"I did for a couple of hours.. I don't like this sleeping alone for a month thing..." he said and Carlee could hear how his voice almost broke. She sighed.

"Wanna hear my new song i wrote for you?" She said and kept scribbling while talking.

"I would love to, Kitten... But before i go to sleep.. I think that will help me sleep" He said and Carlee smiled so big.

"If you want?" She broke out in an even bigger smile.

"Ofcorse i want to, Kitten..." he said and heard Josh yell for him to get off the phone. "Kitten, i have to go. Josh is being all whiny cuz i'm talking to you. I'll call you tonight alright?" He said with a tiny smile. 

"I'll wait" Carlee said and the line went blank. - I Miss you, Matt....- She sighed.

A month later.

Sammy and Carlee was waiting on the parking lot knowing the boys would be home any second now. Carlee was walking around so nervous seeing her boyfriend for the first time in 4 weeks, She took deep breaths. Flattened her clothes over and over thinking it looks bad. Her hair was up in a pony tale and her bangs was falling in front of her eyes. She was moving her fingers in a way to remember her new cords for the song, suddenly she started singing to the song.

"Oh heart of mine, Sing a Sad song, Sing a sad song" She singed quietly and Sammy started singing with her knowing the song inside out by listening to Carlee when she had been writing it.

"It's a good song, You really did a good job" Sammy smiled and Carlee blushed.

"Thank you?" She said quiet and stopped in her step seeing the tour bus drive in and park, she couldn't move, her voice stuck in her throat. The bus stopped. The both girls could hear the boys inside and Josh was yelling for them to hurry. The door open and there they were Josh first then Matt after that Ian and Mike. Mike threw a Shining smile to Sammy that ran in to his arms and gave him such a kiss and he kissed her back so deep.

"Finally i can hold you baby" He said and looked in to her eyes and she smiled so big.

"Welcome home!" Sammy said and couldn't stop smiling. Carlee saw Josh and Matt and ran first in to Matt's arms and didn't let go. 

"Matty is home! Matty is home! No more Phone and webcam, Matty is home!!!" She was singing and dancing. then finally it was Joshes turn and he pulled her in to a deep kiss. Carlee pulled away giggling.

"I have been waiting for that way to long" Josh smiled while Ian tugged her arm. 

"My turn" He laughed and hugged her hello.

"Hey Ian!" She messed up his hair and hugged back. "I missed you guys so much! Finally it wont be so empty at home!" She smiled so big, Later when they got home Josh ran in to meet his dogs and the cat's, He cuddled them all and went to pack up, Carlee hugged Matt.

"I missed you kitten.. It was so hard to be away from you like this... Thank you for caming and calling me so much and staying up with me.." Carlee shaked her head, poured some hot water for tea and Matt gave her a big smile.

"I love it so don't worry, Singing for you, Staying up for you" She could feel Josh's arms around her and she squealed.

"Hey there lovely" He said smiling so big and Matt left the kitchen leaving them alone for a while. Josh held something out to Carlee.

"For me?" Josh nodded and Carlee noticed his necklace had changed. Carlee opened the little package slow.

"I thought a ring or a bracelet would do the trick but then i saw those and thought, Hey why not she uses it anyway" Josh smiled when Carlee opened the lid of the package and gasped. She lifted it, a silver chain with a little blue stone in the end of a note. Josh smiled and showed his. Put them together and they fit like two puzzle pieces. Carlee broke out in a giant smile and hugged him so tight.

"Thank you, It's beautiful. Can you?" She said and handed it to Josh and he put it on and let Carlee's hair down again.

"You're my song bird and i'm yours" he smiled and kissed her neck softly and hugged her. 

"I wrote all the songs you asked me" Carlee said softly turning in his hug. "i have to go though them for you, I hope you will like them..." Josh smiled big knowing this will be good.

"Then we will hit the studio first thing tomorrow?" He said cheery and caressed her cheek she nodded and held his hand.

"I missed being in the studio with you... Somehow it's not the same without you" She said and got close, Josh was just millimeters away and he lifted her on the counter and kissed her so deep, she hooked her legs around his hips he held her close. "Room?"

"Room" She said and didn't break the kiss and the next moment she find herself under josh on their bed. Josh smiled down at her and she up at him. 

"You are so beautiful, I will never let you go, Carlee.. You're everything i have been looking for" He said husky and she blushed. 

"I won't ever let go you ether, Joshie" She smiled and kissed him deeply.

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