Chapter 30

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I let the tears stream down my cheeks and drenching my pillow by doing so , my mind could not stop thinking and the thoughts were hurtful , awful. The flashbacks came crashing down and the memories could not stop haunting my soul. But sadly , they were all in a blur and all I could clearly hear would be the incoherent words and screams of the ones I was so badly missing.

When your mood gets spoiled due to a trivial matter , you get annoyed and this is when you begin to think about all the times when you have cried and the reasons behind those horrible sobs.

Well , this was what I was currently facing and trust me , to say I was feeling awful would be the understatement of the century.

I gazed at the small window pane from which I could get a peaceful and pleasant view of the Eiffel Tower. The majestic building obviously made me gasp and all I wanted to do was to step in it.

Finally after a tiring eight-hour flight , I had eventually reached Paris safe and sound. I gathered my luggage and made my way towards the Duty Free Shop , trying my best to keep the fake smile on my tired face.

The shop was classy and the stuffs which were being sold were luxurious and obviously costly. I chose to buy one of the many perfumes displayed neatly on the glass stall and smiled gratefully at the cashier after purchasing it.

The atmosphere was pleasant and everyone seemed to be happy and relaxed. No one had a frown on their face and neither were they worried about their regular hectic life routine. I so wished I could attain that level of euphoria too.

After strolling around for more than half an hour , I took a cab which drove me directly to one of the hotels in Paris.

"Bonjour et bienvenue mademoiselle ," greeted the young lady who was standing at the entrance of the hotel. She actually meant to say Good morning and welcome in french.

"Bonjour et merci ," I replied back with a smile. I was so grateful for the little knowledge of french which I had since my primary school years.

I went to my hotel room and laid flat on my bed at once. How exhausted I was after an eight-hour flight. It was indeed tiring but I did not sense any sign of regret behind my decision.

However , I still had my mind focused on Tyler. How charming and attractive he was and how easily he has captured my heart. For a moment in my life , he was all I could think of , my everything.

But deep inside , I knew that forgetting him would be much more easier than just spending time with him.

At times , the hardest and shittiest roads lead to the best destinations.

All of a sudden , the buzzing of my phone broke my endless thoughts and I was abruptly taken aback.

"Hello ?" A rather familiar voice asked from the other line.

And for a second , my world seemed to be crashing down on me and I felt that I could not bear it anymore. Everything seemed to be blurry and I had some difficulties in acknowledging the hard reality.

My palms began to sweat and I rubbed a finger on my temples , massaging them. I gulped , hesitant what to say.

"Hi ," I tried to mumble.

"Oh my god , shit shit shit ," the other person swore under their breath and I fought against the urge to chuckle. That was a habit of hers that I was definitely missing.

"I thought I lost you Alex ," Britney yelled from the other line and I blinked the tears that were beginning to form in my eyes away.

"I- I have no words Britney ," I mumbled and gasped.

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