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"Kellin? Are you in here?" I heard a familiar, warm voice which brought a smile to my face. I had been yearning to hear that voice all day and the simple thought of the person it belonged to made my heart melt.

"I'm in my bunk," I croaked out, my voice hoarse. No surprise there. I opened and rubbed my eyes, preparing myself for the blinding light which would come as soon as he ripped open the curtain.

However, when the curtain was pushed to the side, the light did not bother my vision as it was fixed on the face of the man before me. Oh, how I missed him.

"Hey, Vic," I grinned widely, my head clearing of all negative thoughts and replacing them with ones of him, as I turned on my pillow to face him, still huddled up in the warmth of my sheets.

"Hi," he returned the warm smile.

His smile. It was so gracious and inviting. At that moment in time, it felt like that smile could help me overcome anything. But then it quivered.

"I was looking for you. Have you been here all day?" His forehead creased.

"Yes," was my sharp answer.

"Why? Are you okay? From what I remember you're always the first one up and on your feet, excited to play. It's evening already, you've spent the whole first day of Warped Tour in bed - are you proud of yourself?" He accusingly joked. "We're up on stage in an hour, and you're after us."

I tried sitting up better, so that I could get out of my bunk and relieve Vic of the discomfort of having to bend down to my eye level but, as I tried doing so, I felt a sharp pain in my lower regions. A gasp escaped my lips and I fell back onto the bed.

Just like that, all methods I used to calm myself down and keep the thoughts out of my head were gone. The physical pain did not matter. It was more about the psychological pain associated with it.

Last night. Oh god, how I wish it did not happen. I would give anything to be able to go back in time and get the hell out of there as soon as the rest of my band did.

It was as if, with that small sensation, I could feel his hands all over my body again. They wondered around, touched, groped. He was unstoppable, I was powerless.

As soon as it ended and he fell on the couch, fast asleep, I sprinted out of there in full speed, managing to collect whatever was left of my clothes on the way, so that I would not be running completely naked. Tears were heavily streaming down my cheeks and it took everything in me not to scream as loud as I could. Everything had hurt so much, but I did not care. I just wanted to get as far away from there as possible.

That night, I was stripped of the only things I had: confidence, masculinity and pride. He took those things away so easily, as if they meant nothing to him.

The worst thing?

He took photos. His phone was constantly open, snapping pictures like a perverted paparazzi. I was there, on that small device, at the most vulnerable time of my life. Humiliated, broken.

He warned that, if I told anyone about what happened, he would find out and post them to the internet for everyone to see. But I did not need his threats to stop me from spilling to others. My embarassment was what held me back.

Imagine it: Kellin Quinn, the amazing, rock star singer of a world-famous band owning up to being someone's bìtch for the night. As if!

No one could know. Not a single person. Even if his ice cold words and acidic fingers were burned into my head for the rest of my life, I would not tell a single soul.

Now, it felt like even Vic's smile could not help. But I managed to keep it together in front of him. I had already drained all tears from my eyes during the restless night. To my displeasure, Vic's eyes did not miss my reaction to attempting to sit up and the obvious pain in my lower abdomen.

He smiled at me. Fùcking smiled. And in a teasing way too.

"Fun night, huh?"

"What?" I snapped sharply, wanting nothing but to rip the smirk off that pretty face of his. Though now the fact that he was smiling was not the biggest of my concerns. I was more worried about what he said.

"Don't play dumb, Dahvie has been going around telling everyone about it!"

Just like that, I could feel the colour drain from my cheeks which were burning a bright pink just seconds ago.

He was...telling people. Showing off about it. But, how could you boast about something so inhumane?

My heart was beginning to beat harder in my chest. People knew. They knew. They fucking knew.

I would have probably had a heart attack, if Vic's voice didn't catch my attention sooner. He had opted to sitting on the floor and poking his head up, seeing as I was not keep on getting out of my bunk and bending over for so long was probably uncomfortable.

"He told me how apparently you stayed behind yesterday, when everyone else left, and you two fùcked. To be honest, Dahvie gave a bit too much detail," he chuckled. "According to him, you're a 'total screamer'."

From how calm he was, I could easily deduce that Dahvie was twisting the story. He obviously would not tell anyone that he ra...r...raped me. I could barely even think of the word.

This calmed me down though. Sure, he was spreading false rumours about me, but I could live with a little sex scandal. A rape scandal? Now, that's a completely different story.

"Really?" I laughed along quite uncomfortably. "It's not true, he's just kidding around. We didn't actually have sex. It's kind of an inside joke between us."

I played it off as something casual between friends and Vic, obviously believing me more than him, took my side of the story.

"What happened to your booty then?" Vic asked humorously, tilting his head to the side. He was referring to my previous reaction.

"My clumsy ass slipped when I was  getting to the bus yesterday night and now everything hurts. That's why I've been in my bunk all day: I literally can't get out!" I had to lie.

We both laughed for a few seconds, before silence passed between us and I found myself staring up at the ceiling of my bunk. I relied on Vic to make things better. He always did.

Sometimes we acted like twins, and on other days we were polar opposites. Usually he was a lot more quirky and bubbly but, upon noticing my low mood, he was quick to adjust and realise how to approach me in these kinds of situations. We knew so much about each other.

And that was how I knew that he thought there was more to what I was telling him. Just from the look in his dark eyes, I could tell that he was suspicious. After all, I never gave a good reason for why I was so down today. He knew not to ask right now though.

I had been thinking for longer than I assumed, when Vic's voice broke me out of my daydream, "Kells?"

My heart pounded faster at the nickname, "Yeah?"

"I missed you," he flashed me a toothy smile and I could not help but return it with a goofy one of my own.

"I missed you too."



I was originally planning on posting this story as soon as Never Meets Forever ended, but BOTDF announced that they're breaking up, so I felt like it was fitting to post it now.

Thanks for reading!

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