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Two updates in a row wowza

Ugh I have to unpublish then republish chapters like 42069 times because Wattpad sucks and never sends out notifications

Although this is technically set in 2016, Kellin and Vic are significantly younger. Idk it just feels weird to have two middle-aged men suddenly fall in love. I'm not sure how old they are but it would be something around 25. Also, I don't care whether Bryan has asked these questions to them in previous interviews. I can't be bothered to check.



I had been feeling quite shaken up all day. My thoughts from the morning never subsided. Not when I ate breakfast with everyone, as soon as they came back. Not when Jack and I played video games together. Not when Vic held me in his arms while I cried into his chest, not being able to hold the tears in anymore.

I honestly felt responsible for what happened to me. If I did not look or act the way I did, it probably would not have occurred at all. If I was more mature Dahvie would not have been provoked by me. Sure, he was in no way right to do what he did, but it would have been avoidable if I wasn't...myself.

After I had calmed down a bit, and still refused to tell him what was going on for obvious reasons, Vic reminded me about the interview with Bryan which was supposed to be happening in 15 minutes. He offered to call the man and tell him that we changed our mind and don't want to do it, but I could not allow that. Bryan had already hyped it up on his Twitter and the fans were so excited -  I could not let them down.

In order to make the interviews slightly less chaotic, Bryan had done the smart thing of renting out a room in a nearby hotel for the day. It was definitely better than sitting on a cramped bus with no air conditioning and people busily coming in and out. A hotel room would be nice and peaceful: the perfect environment for an interview.

"Will you be okay to do the interview?" Vic asked in concern, as we exited the parking lot in an attempt to find the address which Bryan had sent us. It was very close and easy to spot.

Vic had been so protective and I loved it. He was no further than two meters away from me all day and now, while we were walking, he had his hand placed on the small of my back. I liked being treated like this. It was as if he was trying to shield me from any harm coming my way. Having someone like him with me gave me comfort. He was leading me through it all.

Right now, Vic was the only stability I had in my life. Sure, he treated me a bit like a child but, when dealing with so many things all at once, it was nice to have a break from the adult world and let him take control.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I reassured. A small smile crept onto my face, as I played with the sleeves of my shirt, shyly pulling them over my palms. I could not wrap my head around how the simple fact that Vic cared about my well-being made me feel all giddy and shy.

We finally arrived at the hotel and asked for Bryan's room number at the reception desk. The nice lady directed us to where we had to go and, one elevator ride later, we were finally there. The blonde man let us in with a warm greeting, kind smile, and a handshake. He expressed his gratitude towards us one too many times, before vaguely going over the structure of the interview, which we already knew. The only downside to having a small hotel room was that they were usually designed for staying overnight rather than during the day, so there was no couch.

We opted for sitting on the bed, in a row with Bryan in between Vic and I, with our legs comfortably under the covers, as we leaned our backs against the headboards. It was a strange setup but, then again, it reflected what the interviews were like.

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