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The show that day went fine. So did the one after that, and the next one too. The first few days of Warped Tour were done and I was finally feeling myself settling into the lifestyle all over again.

It was day four and we were once again the last group to perform. It was quite inconvenient, because I tended to perform King For A Day on stage with Pierce The Veil, which meant that I would have to be ready at least an hour before the rest of the band, get on stage, off, then back on again. It was a strange setup and that was why everyone preferred when PTV played last. However, the organisers wanted to change things up with each show, so we alternated between our set times.

Another problem was actually convincing them to let us play King For A Day. Festival organisers were always iffy about performing songs which featured other people, because you never knew how the crowd would respond. That was why we played the first three dates without the song, but managed to get permission from today on.

Everyone was waiting until we finished our set and, when we did, they were inviting us to the afterparty (which happened every night). I had always been a huge party animal and was the star of these parties, however I knew that Dahvie was that way too. There was no way he would miss an afterparty and I wanted to be as far away from him as possible.

I had done a great job at completely avoiding him for the last few days. I was repressing all thoughts of what happened, in hopes of forgetting about it sooner or later. Something I knew for sure was that seeing him would not make this very easy for me.

"Hey, are you going to the party?" A murcular arm slid around my shoulder and I looked to the side to see Vic gazing at me with a questioning look. I leaned into him more, without fully realising I was doing it. It just felt so natural.

"No, I think I'll pass."

"Again?" He asked with raised eyebrows. "You used to go to these all the time!"

"I know, I'm just tired," I sighed, not bothering with a different excuse.

"Are you sure it's not because you're getting old?" He teased with a knowing smile, to which I gasped and smacked his arm playfully.

"You're older than me, dumbass!" I retorted, turning away slightly but never leaving his embrace. I just loved being in his arms so much.

"I may be older, but at least I don't act like a middle-aged dad," he pointed out sassily.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, I'm still not going."

"Okay, that's fine. Wanna stay on my bus and play some Xbox?" He offered kindly.

I was not surprised that Vic would willingly miss the party for me. He had been to the previous three and they probably wore him out.

While everyone else hurried out to not miss out on the alcohol, Vic and I slowly made our way to the parking lot. It was dark out with no stars, as clouds threateningly covered them. Sometimes the moon would peek out, but it would be gone within seconds.

We were in no rush, as there was simply no need for it, so we ended up walking quite slowly through the chilly night. It was not too cold though, especially for me since Vic's arm never left my shoulders. There was light coming from a couple of the buses and vans, and the stages were all lit up, but it was still quite difficult to find our way around.

Just as Vic and I were about to enter their tour bus, my phone buzzed with a notification. I fished it out of my pocket, squinting at the obnoxious light it gave off, and quickly read the text which I received from an unknown number.

'Meet me by the gate to the parking lot. Come alone.'

That was all it said. There was no clue as to who sent it or why, just the mysterious text. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, wondering who this was and how they even got my number. However the informal and slightly cryptic language gave off the impression that they knew me, so I automatically jumped to the conclusion that it was someone from the tour who's contact information I did not have.

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