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Vic had been avoiding me. I spent the entirety of that evening and the next day looking for him. I even went to the extent of attending the after parties, which I wanted to stay as far away from as possible. He was like sand, constantly slipping between my fingers.

The only time I caught sight of him was when Pierce The Veil were playing their set on the next day and I watched from the side of the stage. My plan was to drag Vic away as soon as they were done, so that I could apologize. However that idea went down the drain, as Vic decided to leave around the front of the stage, upon seeing me waiting for him.

I groaned in disappointment. I messed up big time. It was so stupid of me to think that I could just kiss him and hope for the best.

Vic thought of me as just a friend, yet I built up this dumb little fantasy that, for some reason, we could be together. I never paid much attention to it before but, now that Vic was being such a sweetheart, I realised how much he meant to me. And, as soon as he was not there anymore, I was crumbling down.

That entire day was awful. I was completely distraught. The only person to hold me while I cried was Lynn, but even her soft hands were nothing in comparison to Vic's strong, reassuring embrace. She was amazing and all, but was constantly asking what's wrong and demanding I tell her. Vic just accepted it and let me cry into his shoulder, while comforting me. We had been apart for barely a day and I already wanted him back!

"Lynn, I fucked everything up!" I wailed for the thousandth time. Now, I actually had something that was not a horrible secret, which I was upset about. I felt like I could open up to her, as she was my best friend.

"Are you finally going to tell me what happened?" She asked, a hint of irritation in her voice. That's another thing: she was not as patient as Vic.

"I kissed him," I groaned, burying my face further into her chest. I never knew boobs were this soft.


"Vic!" I cried harder. "And now he hates me."

"Wait, whoa! You kissed Vic?" Lynn pulled away and held me by my shoulders at arm's length. Her eyes were wide and she looked so excited.

"Yeah," I admitted solemnly. "I don't know what I was thinking. He's just so...perfect! He's been helping me out so much recently and he's so understanding and patient. I couldn't help myself, I just kissed him!"

"Aww," Lynn cooed, wiping the tears off my cheeks with her thumb.

"Why doesn't he want me?" I asked desperately. "What's wrong with me?"

"Oh, Kells, there's nothing wrong with you! Maybe you just surprised him and he didn't know how to react."

Lynn's positivity and wishful thinking was not helping at all. I needed Vic more than anything. I'd be willing to forget about that kiss and get over my stupid crush, just to have him back as a friend.

"What if Vic is straight?" I asked worriedly.

Lynn pretty much burst into laughter at my comment, "Hun, the words 'Vic' and 'straight' just don't go together."

"But, what if he is?" I urged, then thought of a way to test it. "How would you react if I kissed you?"

"Me?" She paused thoughtfully. "I'd probably wait for you to be done,  then say, 'Hold your horses, boi! I know I'm a hot piece of ass, but I'd rather get hit by a truck than suck a dìck'. And then we'd go back to being friends."

"Then why didn't Vic do that?" I seethed, now even more concerned.

"Do what? Say that he'd rather get hit by a truck than suck a-?"

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