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Now that I was finally happy again, the days seemed to fly by so quickly. Vic and I were enjoying our time together. Dahvie wasn't bothering me. I was starting to sleep well again. It was like I had hit rock bottom and I was slowly building my way back up.

My feelings towards Vic were off the radar. He made me feel so safe and secure and content with life. He made everything so much better and I decided that I wanted to officially call him my boyfriend. Sure, we hadn't experienced the usual couple things like dates because of the tour lifestyle, but I didn't mind. It still felt as real as it could be.

We were jumping quickly into things, but I think that this happened because of how close we were before all of this. After all, we had been sleeping in the same bed practically every night! Everything was just like before, except more kisses and more compliments.

My band had just finished playing our set and Vic was there to meet me sidestage. He gazed at me admiringly and I had no idea how he did that. It was already a miracle that he found the normal me attractive so I had no idea how he could be smiling so much at the sight of messy, sweaty me. Nonetheless, I was happy to see him.

Just as Vic leaned in to hug me, Lynn popped up by my side with an urgent look on her face.

"Have you seen my phone anywhere?" She asked desperately. "It's a IPhone with a sparkly purple case. I've been looking for it for ages."

"No, sorry," I replied truthfully. I had no idea the thing was even missing. Vic's reply was similar to mine, as he did not know about this at all either.

Lynn groaned in annoyance, but thanked us for our time anyway. She seemed very adamant on finding her phone. I wondered why, but not for too long.

Beforehand, Vic had convinced me to come with him after my set was finished. Most people went to the afterparty, however both of our bands decided to have our own little private get together. The crews of each band were also invited but, other than that, no one was allowed in. It was hosted on the Pierce The Veil bus and I was not sure if I wanted to come.

I had been to only one of the afterparties, and that did not end well, so I was more biased towards not going. Vic, however, insisted that I should go to keep him company and I was quick to cave in.

Most of all, I was worried about Mike. He clearly knew that Vic and I were okay again, but I don't think he was aware of much of the details. I was pretty sure he still held a grudge against me so, most of all, I was scared that he was start a scene or, even worse, actually hurt me.

I needed to change my clothes into something less horrifying, so Vic and I promenaded to my bus. I quickly picked out some clothes and looked at Vic expectantly. He was still standing in the doorway, watching my every move. He gave me a teasing look and ushered me to carry on.

I was not sure how I felt about that. I was fine with kissing and hugging Vic but, for some reason, I definitely wasn't fully comfortable with having him watch me while I changed. It was hypocritical of me as I had done the same to him, but the circumstances were different.

There was no way I would tell Vic to leave and not watch, because he would only ask why and get suspicious, as I had been okay with this before. So I took a deep breath and told myself to suck it up, as I speedily changed into the fresh clothes, very aware of the pair of eyes which watched me.

When I was done I threw the used shirt and shorts to the side, before turning to Vic. But his expression was nothing like what I thought it would be.

With furrowed brows, Vic approached and and carefully caught the rim of my shirt between his fingers. Slowly he lifted my shirt to reveal my stomach. At first I was confused, but soon realised why he was doing this. Littering my torso, mainly my sides, were all sorts of bruises and hickeys.

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