.:20:.:The End:.

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I breathed heavily as Vic pressed his lips harder against mine, deepening our kiss. His hands unsurely snaked around my waist, as if he was asking for permission and as soon as he saw that I was not objecting he was more bold. I appreciated that. He did not want to overstep the boundaries that Dahvie set for me.

My fingers went to his hair, playing with the strands before I cheekily pulled the hat off his head, messing up his hair, and placed it on mine instead. Vic moved away and whined for me to give it back. I just shook my head and giggled. I was so happy right now!

The colourful lights shone on us as we stood sidestage and made out in the corner. Pierce The Veil had played a while ago and it was time for my band to go on in about five minutes.

The talk with Andrew gave me a lot to think about. I found it difficult to sleep with so much on my mind but, when I did, I awoke a completely different man. I had realised that focusing on the negative side of life was not going to get me anywhere.

I weighed up the reasons for me to leave the band:
• I was self-conscious about my singing
• I felt like I was being judged
• I did not want to be the centre of attention

Next, I thought of reasons why I should stay:
• The band made it this far with me as the singer, so surely I could not be that bad
• Although some people were rude, most of the fans were very understanding
• The band were my best friends, even if they had strange ways of showing that sometimes
• I had too many kids to let down

The positives easily outweighed the negatives. I could not help but notice how all of the reasons for leaving started with 'I'. It made me think that maybe the band was not the problem, but rather my attitude. And so I decided to change it. Obviously I was not over what happened, I didn't think I ever would be, but being stuck in this hole of insecurity and self-hatred was not doing me any good.

It took some time to get my mind to this place, but I managed to do it quicker than I expected. My mindset was not in perfect shape yet, but I was ready to finally go out and show myself.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Vic asked worriedly, snatching the hat back from me and fixing his hair.

"100%. It's the last day of the tour so, if I don't go out there now, I won't get a chance to do it for a long time and I'm scared that, by then, I'll change my mind," I explained, pecking him on the lips again and hearing someone - Justin, I think - telling us to get a room.

"I think I'll be okay though," I assured. "It will hopefully be a pleasant surprise for everyone, as they're probably expecting Josh to sing today. I'm ready though."

"What made you change your mind so quickly?" Vic wondered, lightly stroking my cheek. "It's like you're a completely different person to who you were yesterday."

"Just a deep talk with a very wise person," I smiled.

I heard a nearby voice yell that we were on in 30 seconds. First, I glanced at Josh who stood to the side and gave me thumbs up. I smiled at him. Next, my gaze shifted to Lynn who was chatting away with the rest of Sleeping With Sirens. Lastly, I gazed at Vic.

Without much thought, I pressed my lips to his again, savouring the taste of his tongue. Vic was so perfect. Sure, sometimes his overprotectiveness could get a bit irritating but he was just looking out for me. I appreciated him so much and I probably would not be here without him.

The only thing which made me pull out of the kiss was seeing the rest of the band push past us and onto the stage and, before I knew it, the first notes of We Like It Loud were being played.

Then, it was my time to go. Blowing a cheesy kiss to Vic, which he returned, I strolled onto the stage. As much as I tried to hide it by acting casual, I was slightly freaking out on the inside.

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