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"...Don't you dare do something like that ever again! You let down so many fans and everyone got really worried about you. Grow a pair and finally go on Twitter and write a public apology, because I will not tolerate this kind of bullshit from you, understood?"

"Yes," I murmured, flinching at the harsh words, with my head hanging low. I endured the rage of our manager, Garrett, who was really mad at me after the stunt I pulled last night.

After Lynn and I went off, she tried to get some information out of me about what happened. I came up with a lame excuse of how I was nervous about playing and let the feelings get to me. She did not seem too convinced, seeing as she knew me very well and knew for a fact that I never got nervous on stage. Never.

I ended up returning to my band's tour bus, with Lynn still there as I did not want to be alone, while the other guys were off at the afterparty. I guessed that, even with the last set being a total failure, they could still celebrate. As I was very tired and the bus was empty, I made Lynn sleep there with me. She took the bunk above mine, where Justin usually slept, but he was not one to kick a pretty girl out of his bed, even if he was not in it with her.

I knew that we were going to start driving to the next city some time during the night, but it did not particularly matter that Lynn was on our bus, as we were all going to the same place.

As soon as I woke up on the next day, already parked at the festival grounds, our manager was there and ready to basically claw my eyes out. Apparently I had caused more drama than intended and many fans were angry that I just ran off without a word, so I had been getting yelled at for the last five minutes straight.

It was funny how our manager, a usually very playful and chill guy, could switch between being my best friend and the second scariest person I knew -the first being Dahvie.

Ah, yes. He actually reminded me of Dahvie quite a lot, especially with how quickly he could change his mood and attitude towards me.

It was crazy how much I thought about Dahvie. He took up my thoughts all day, and not in the good way. Sometimes I could temporarily get him out of my mind, with the help of friends, but he never really left. He would always be there. I would always feel his touch on my skin. Dahvie would never leave.

When Garrett felt like he had done enough shouting for the day, he gave me one last warning look, before exiting the bus. I breathed a sigh of relief, just as the entire band, our crew, and Lynn exited the bunk area with apologetic expressions.

"He really didn't go easy on you, did he?" Murmured Jack, clutching his head. I felt like, if they were not so focused on their hangovers, the air would be poisoned with awkwardness. Luckily, their headaches were big enough problems.

They all passed me into the main area to get food, and some stayed whereas others retreated into the back lounge. Lynn, however, stayed at my side.

"Are you feeling better today?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I guess," I shrugged, not certain about my answer. Sure, I felt okay now, but would that still be the case when I would have to go up on stage again?

"Will you be okay to sing today?" Lynn carried on with a motherly vibe to her.

"Do I really have a choice?" I chuckled humourlessly.

"Of course you do. You can get someone else to sing for you again of you don't feel up for it. Hopefully not Vic because, at this rate, his voice will be gone by next week!"

Speaking of Vic, there was a short knock on the front entrance of the bus, before he let himself in. Vic's eyes instantly landed on me, as he gazed in concern.

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