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I followed the route back to my bus, walking to the rhythm of my fast heartbeat which I was trying to calm down. The path before me was dark, the distant streetlights barely illuminating the area. I clenched my fists and took deep breaths, getting my nerves to calm down. I was safe. I was okay. Vic would never hurt me. I'm just being paranoid.

It did not take long before I got to the bus. Seeing as Lynn was not standing outside, I assumed that she would have been waiting inside for me as the night air was chilly. I quickly shuffled in, not wanting to stay there for much longer either.

"Lynn?" I called out, as I began promenading down the bus. The warm air was refreshing to my previously cold surroundings.

Seeing no sign of the girl, I finally reached the back lounge. Opening it up and stepping inside, I realised that she was nowhere to be seen. However, as soon as I got there, I heard the slam of the bathroom door behind me. I swiftly spun around on my heel just to face none other than my worst nightmare.

The sight of him should not have been so surprising anymore: he seemed to always appear out of nowhere just to ruin my life when everything was going well. Why had I been so naive? I should have remembered that Lynn was looking for her phone because she lost it. This crazy-haired psycho probably stole it to lure me here without me suspecting a thing.

With every step he took forward, I took one back. This was not working in my favour though, as it only left me pinned in the back lounge of the bus.

I guess I built up a sense of security because I thought that he would not try doing anything on my bus. I should have known that Dahvie had no limits.

Putting my hands up in front of my chest as a feeble attempt at defence, I begged, "Please don't do this, not again."

I was so choked up in shock I could not even shed any tears, just desperate cries.

"Did you really expect me to let you off with just a blowjob?" Dahvie taunted, now standing in the doorway to the lounge.

I gulped. I knew I did not have a chance from here. As soon as Dahvie stepped in and closed the door I was a lost cause.

"Dahvie, please, this is wrong!" I cried, but his expression of lust never faltered.

"How can it be wrong if it feels so right?" He taunted, moving closer and reaching out to run his hand across my face.

I smacked his arm away as hard as I could. I had to fight back. I could not let this sick fùck touch me again.

"You're a lot more feisty today, huh?" He asked with a smirk. "Worried that your boyfriend won't like you anymore if you're not as tight?"

His words felt like acid to my skin, burning through any shield I could ever put up. Why did he have to bring Vic into this? Why him of all people?

Vic would be so disappointed. Why would he even want to be with me? I'm useless, I can't fight for myself, I let people use me because I'm scared of what others could think. I'm pathetic.

Dahvie's body pressed against mine. I raised my hands to try to push him, punch him, anything! He just grabbed my wrists as if it was the easiest thing he could do. I kicked at his shins but it did nothing except maybe make him stumble a bit, only to force his legs between mine to keep them still.

He laid me down on the large couch, like an animal would do to its prey as it prepared to feast. I did everything I could. I clawed, I scratched, I bit. I think I made his hand bleed by digging my teeth into it, but he was so persistent. He just wouldn't stop no matter what.

I screamed for help, but everyone was away at the afterparties or doing their own thing. No one was there to hear. And, even if they were, would they really help? Is a disgrace like me even worth helping?

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