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I was sitting sidestage, waiting for everything to be ready for us to play. Pierce The Veil finished a while ago and, as always, they shone brighter than stars. Because it was the first date of Warped Tour, they played exceptionally well and their performance would be hard to top. Vic hit every note with perfection and the crowd adored him. I was not sure if I could be anywhere as good as he was tonight, especially with how shitty I felt.

Upon seeing them play, I realised how much I missed everything about them. Their personalities, music, the feeling in what they played. They were exploding with energy and emotion. That was why I loved touring with them so much and I sincerely hoped that we could do it again, even after Warped ended.

As soon as their set ended, the PTV guys were off looking for a place to freshen up. There were rumours that Sum 41's bus had a shower, so they were kindly going to ask to use it, although no one really knew if it was true or not. If not, I was sure they would find one somewhere else.

As I sat, cross-legged, on the floor while the rest of the band tuned their instruments, I had my eyes closed and was taking deep breaths. This was usually the time I would be warming up my voice, but I could not bring myself to look up, dare I even say a word. I felt as if, if I as much as met eyes with anyone, they would instantly know what happened. And that would be my biggest nightmare.

The rest of my band assumed that I was having a shitty day because of a hangover after those drinks yesterday, but I did not even have enough of them to be affected greatly the day after. I was just tired and hopeless.

"Hey dude, are you okay?" Nick approached me and knelt down to be at eye level, with his guitar awkwardly strapped around his shoulders. I smiled to myself.

What I loved most about Nick was how caring he was. He was the kind of 'have you taken your meds, eaten enough and reminded yourself how beautiful you are?' person. Nick was the sweetest guy I knew and treated the fans like his own kids. Hell, he even treated me like his own kid sometimes! Especially if he realised that something was wrong. It was a protective gesture and I really appreciated it. It made us feel like a more than a band - a family.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I breathed, glancing up cautiously, "just really tired and hungover. Couldn't sleep all night."

I suddenly noticed a small, teasing smirk building up on his face, "Is the great and oh, so amazing Kellin Quinn nervous?"

"Nervous?" I scoffed, pushing myself up into a standing position as if to have some sort of advantage over him, but Nick just followed. I replied half-jokingly, half-seriously, "I'm too talented to be nervous. I know I'll sing fùcking well and I'm going to prove it to you."

Nick chuckled along with some of the people around us who were listening in, "That's the Kellin I know and love!"

I smiled, but could not stop my cheeks from going a light shade of pink.

This was nice. I enjoyed the company of my friends. It was like, with them, I could forget about all of my problems. They made it all disappear, even if only temporarily, and I loved that about them.

"But you definitely won't be able to prove anything to me without doing any vocal warmups," Nick reminded. "Come on let's get our voices ready, we don't have much time."

I usually did my warmups with Nick and Alex, as they both sang backing vocals and needed to sound good too, but Alex was not joining us on this tour. So it was just Nick and I practicing or rehearsing our harmonies for the songs. I could feel my voice almost relaxing and letting my whole range through.

"Sleeping With Sirens in five!" A man with a headset and folder in his arms called out to us. We nodded to show that we heard and he quickly scurried off, probably to make sure that everything was set up as best as it could be. There were always bound to be some minor faults, but nothing extremely bad ever really happened.

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