Chapter Three

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There she walked down the street toward the address. She was nervous but stayed calm and content as she got closer to her detonation. What have I gotten myself into? She thought walking briskly down the empty street.

She arrived, the house was average sized and decent looking, it was white and made mostly of wood from what she could observe. She stopped on the small porch in front of the door and knocked, there was no doorbell near the door so knocking was her only option.

A few minutes and a few knocks later right as she was about to give up the door opened. There stood a boy about her height and her age, he had a plethora of bandages scattered and stuck on a lot of his skin. He was wearing shorts and at-shirt which seemed unfitting for the cold weather. His hair was jet black and longer, about to the middle of his neck, it looked as if a comb had never touched a strand of it. He was pale and mixed racial, Korean and European from the looks of it. His eyes looked as if he had never slept a day in his life, and were the colour of soot and ash after a fire.

"Are you Ly Reslin?" She asked, right when she said that he looked sort of panicked and even the thick long black bangs and pieces of hair that slightly covered his eyes couldn't hide the fact that he was in shock. It took him a second before he answered pushing some of the hair out of his face, "y-e-s." His syllables were elongated and he looked embarrassed by the way he spoke.

She smiled softly, trying to make him feel more comfortable. "Well I'm just here because I'm in your class and the school would like you to start attending class again, it's not good to miss a ton of school."
He looked distraught, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't. "I- don't mean- to miss class- I just..." He looked puzzled and frustrated when he spoke, he very obviously didn't enjoy speaking in the slightest.
"If it's ok with you I'd like to talk to a parent, but it's completely fine if there's no one home." She said, she actually did pity him, she felt as if he wanted to say a books worth of words, he just couldn't.

He nodded and went into another room, soon after a tall, dirty blonde haired woman with dark blue eyes that stared coldly at Cassie. "Hello." The woman said, trying to hide a cigarette that she had already been smoking. Cassie peered through the door and in the back the boy sat with a not much older girl who looked like him and a younger girl who looked like him, they all murmured among themselves.

"Hi! I'm with the school, you must be Ly's mom, I'd just like to let you know that he must start attending school." Cassie said trying to shake off the uneasy vibe that this woman gave off.
The woman smiled, her smile was slick and greedy, it made Cass feel uneasy. "Certainly, he'll return tomorrow, I'm very sorry for all of this trouble, have a good evening." The woman said, as polite as it was she still felt off about her, like she was a filthy witch in disguise.

She brushed her feeling off and smiled, "Have a good evening!" She walked back home as it headed into dinner time. The way Ly looked and acted concerned and shook her, she'd never seen anything like it and honestly she was kind of curious about why he'd be like that.

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