Chapter Twelve

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"You're ridiculous." Cassie hissed as Chris shrugged.
"He shouldn't be of your concern Cass." He replied, the two sat with their younger sister on a train heading to Wales. They were going on vacation due to the fact that it was summer and they always went somewhere during the summer.

"Ly isn't some lunatic Chris." Cass disrupted their short silence.
"Chris I'm starting to agree with Cass, his sister Lily is in my class and she's not that bad, but she never speaks so." Tierney chimed in, Chris rolled his eyes.

"He's just some messed up kid in a messed up family." Chris spoke harshly and Cassie looked as if she could cry.
"Shut up." She glared at him and he ignored her.

A minute later their dad walked back into the train car they were in carrying papers from his work and sitting next to Cassie, across from Chris and Tierney.

"Dad Chris is being a jerk." She spoke angrily and her dad looked down from his papers at her.
"Why what did he do?" Her dad asked and Chris responded.
"Just trying to make her think for herself for once."

"Dad he's saying I shouldn't have friends." She said, her dad looked puzzled and looked over at Chris.
"That's an exaggerated statement, I was just talking about how her current friend isn't someone she should be around." Chris replied sitting back with his arms crossed.

"Who is this friend we are speaking of, Cassie?" Her dad asked and she responded.
"A boy in my class named Ly, he's a little different but he has good reason and he's really nice." She noticed how childish she probably sounded so she stayed quiet for a little bit.

"Chris let her have a friend, he sounds alright and your sister hasn't ever really... had... any... friends..." Her dad spoke, sighing afterward and running his fingers through his now greying hair. He was far too young for grey hair but ever since Cassie's mother died his dark brown hair faded into dark grey. His eyes looked worn down and stressed but he continued to care for the three kids as best he could.

The rest of the train ride was surprisingly quiet. They all sat in silence, Cassie was worried about Ly but she tried to convince herself he was completely ok.

Back in Bristol, Ly sat in the middle of his room practicing violin diligently. He had visited Cass's grandmother for lessons twice a week and he was learning quickly. He was capable of many things that he never considered and he always let the cons out way the pros of himself.

His small hands let the bow glide across the strings which emitted a beautiful sound into the room. His step-mother was away, he assumed she was with a guy or whatever desperate attempt of a human she found this time.

His siblings all did their own things so he was alone, being alone always made him a mix of anxious and happiness. A slightly toxic mix that could get to anyone's head very quickly so it was best to not think about it.

He finished practicing violin and he began drawing, he was average at it but he found it to be truly calming when he didn't think too much about what he was drawing. Sometimes he'd stop to think while drawing and spiral into a deep train of thought and this was one of those times.

'I wonder what Cass is doing.' He thought sitting quietly, his pencil lightly moving across the page. 'Maybe you should tell her when she comes back, you're bringing her down you know.' He had an on going debate with himself on whether he should tell Cass to leave him to die or not.
'She's only here because of pity, don't think of it as any more or any less. You'll tell her to leave, she will, and eventually you'll just disappear, never to be seen again. It's a perfect plan.'

He had this fantasy of death, and now being around her made him portray this fantasy as bad. He felt that without this fantasy of dying his life will end in disappointment so her interference made him a little startled.

Cassie finally arrived in Wales. They stayed there for a few weeks and had a nice time there. She worried about Ly but it was more of a shelved thought that just sat in the corner of her mind the whole time.

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