Chapter Four

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A few weeks passed, Cass had forgotten about the whole ordeal and Ly started attending school again. Everything was going well as she started heading down the halls to her next class, chatting with one of her friends. She didn't consider this friend a best friend and to be completely blunt they were more of acquaintances.

They walked side by side as Cass told her a story. She moved her elbow back quickly during one part without realising someone was behind her walking the other direction. Her elbow slammed into the back of someone's head and everyone stopped to look in a flash. She turned around and was horrified at the sight, it was Ly and his nose was bleeding an awful lot.

He stood barely moving, everyone stared and whispered, honestly no one knew him so a commonly asked question among the group of on lookers was "Do you know who he is?" He scanned the room, he looked as if he was trying to find somewhere he could run to. He looked like an animal surrounded by predators and hunters as the group of onlookers increased in people.

"Are you ok?! I'm so sorry for hitting you, I could take you to the nurse if you'd like." She said, trying to stay calm so he wouldn't get scared. Talking to him was like trying to get close to a baby animal, it was like he would run off if you got too close but in this situation he couldn't.

He nodded slowly, he spoke and his words were still off. "S-u-r-e." He said, it was a shaky and elongated Sure that made her feel more bad about the incident then before. The whispers increased and Cass lead him through the crowd, he had his hand over his nose and his head was down, he looked as if he wanted to curl up in a ball and start crying.

They reached the nurses office and she waited outside of it for him. Fifteen minutes later he finally walked out and handed her a class excuse that was exactly the same as his. They started walking back to class until he actually spoke.

"No ones ev-er cared th-at mu-ch." He said looking up, he wasn't looking at her but he wasn't looking at the ground so she felt that that was an accomplishment. "Well I did make your nose bleed, I feel awful for hitting you on accident I'm really sorry." She turned to him, he looked at her now, his bangs still covering a tiny bit of his eyes.

"It's o-k. You kn-ow, you are ve-ry nice." He said, she actually felt something when she talked to him, it wasn't as if she was talking to a family member or someone she had only met five minutes before hand she felt this warm feeling that could only be described as a feeling of joy that talking to him brought. She decided to befriend him.

"Thank you, that's very nice of you to say!" She smiled and he smiled weakly. "You're pretty cool to be honest ya know, do you want to maybe hang out tomorrow as friends? I really don't know how this whole friend thing works so if I'm doing it wrong please excuse me." She spoke and right when she looked at him after saying that his face was bright, his smile was the happiest she had seen him in the amount of time she had known him.

"Re-ally?! You act-ually want to h-ang out?" He asked, the excitement could be heard in his voice. "Yea really, I don't know how to describe it but something about you makes me happy. I feel like you're a really great person, even though we haven't spoke much I just have one of those gut feelings." She said, his expression was of pure happiness. "Is after school tomorrow good, Ly?" 

He nodded and they even shook hands on it, they then proceeded to class. Cass felt nice, she knew she had made a good decision, it was quite obvious he didn't have any friends and he actually seemed nice to be around so Cass took the risk and she's glad that she did.

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