Chapter Eleven

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He got out of the hospital the day after Cassie's visit. He returned to school the day after leaving the hospital. Cassie was worried, he wasn't happy. The reason she knew this was the fact he wasn't speaking and his facial expression was constantly grim.

She tried cheering him up but all of her attempts only lead to temporary happiness. She realised he had started thinking more and the more she thought about what he could be thinking the more afraid she became.

That day lead on into the span of weeks and Ly stopped visiting her. She noticed all of the bruises and cuts and she wanted to yell at him but she didn't because startling him was the last thing she wanted. She was now fully aware he didn't want help and that he hoped he'd die. She tried not to accept it but it was too real to ignore, this forced her to take matters into her own hands.

"Hey Ly, so summer vacations coming up and I'm going away for the summer and I'd like to know if you'd come over so I could see you before I go." She said, standing in front of him as he sat quietly at his desk. All he did was nod and she smiled, relieved that she could see him.

They walked to her house after school and as they got there they sat down on the living room floor and Cass sighed. "Ly."
He tilted his head to the side when she said his name.
"Please don't die."
His eyes widened and he tried speaking.
"I-I..." He couldn't continue and she spoke again.
"I know you haven't been coming over because you think you should die, I want you to know you shouldn't. You're worth a lot Ly, you get straight a's and on top of that you have a wonderful personality. Stop trying to kill yourself please, it's not worth it." She looked at him and he looked as if he could cry at any moment.
"I'm-m so-rr-y...." He looked down and she hugged him, tears gliding down her cheeks silently and quickly.

There they sat, hugging and crying before finally stopping and talking.
"Ar-e yo-u m-ad a-t m-e?" He asked, wiping his eyes on his sleeve, she shook her head.
"Of course not I could never be mad at you." She was smiling a bit now, the conversation lead on into happier topics, one in particular was space which she brought up because of Ly's fascination in space.

They eventually went outside to pass time, she didn't want him leaving because she knew he'd get beat upon his arrival home so she liked having him over for awhile. He caught a few lizards while they looked around her garden, he seemed pretty happy as they sat down on a bench she had near her garden.

"H-ey Ca-ss I ha-ve a ques-tion." He spoke, a small lizard sitting on his shoulder.
"What is it?" She asked, smiling.
"Y-ou d-on't h-ave t-o answ-er if yo-u do-n't wa-nt to b-ut wh-y is yo-ur on-e e-ye diff-erent fro-m th-e o-ther?" He asked and she answered truthfully.

"I'm blind in one eye and my blind eye is a little lighter coloured than the other eye. It's not that big of a deal though, I've never seen out of it so I'm not missing out on something I've known." She spoke bluntly and he looked a little worried.
"O-h... I-m so-rry..." He said and she smiled.
"Don't be sorry it's really nothing ya know." She noticed it was getting late so she stood up. "You want something to eat before you head home for the night cause it's getting pretty late." He nodded in response.

She made them both dinner and he ate it graciously before walking home, his step-mom wasn't home when he got home so he shrugged it off and spent the rest of his night practicing violin and studying before getting some sleep.

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