Chapter Nine

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His eyes widened and he wanted to avert the question but he answered with a lie, "I-I bou-ght it." He said, she squinted at him, a lit cigarette hanging off her lips as she took it out blowing smoke into the air and pressing the lit end against Lyle's forehead. "I know you've been with that girl Lyle, your stupid lies aren't working." She smirked as he felt to flame burning into his skin.

"I-m no-t ly-ing." He said, trying to hold out through the pain, she pressed it down on his forehead with more force, he flinched until suddenly Porter grabbed her by the arms which gave him a chance to flee, he ran all the way to the attic which was the location of his bedroom. The only thing warming it was the sun that let through the window and during the summer the only thing cooling it was a light breeze.

Why does she even care if I hang out with Cass?! She wouldn't even care if I died so why would she care about Cass? He thought as he reorganised his room so that his new gifts could be placed down. After placing them down he sat near the one small window that looked out over the street, he wrapped himself in the one blanket he had and watched the snow, thinking about everything.

For a kid his age his whole perspective was a bit... Grim. He took death extremely lightly as he had almost encountered it multiple times before. He thought of it as peaceful and idealistic, like a paradise that he waited for. His step-mother never fed him much so he considered large meals to be special things that he barely got, which is why whenever he went to Cass' house he ate his fair share of the meal because he always had a hunger looming over him.

"Lyle, get down here before I come up there." He heard her screech, interrupting his thinking and filling him with anxiety. He didn't want her remotely close to his room so he went down to her hesitantly. Once he reached her the first thing she did was grab him by the collar of his shirt and slam him against a wall, he tried to catch his breath before she grabbed his neck and threw him to the ground, he spit a little bit of blood onto the floor.

"You know that whenever your with her it upsets me right Lyle?" Her crooked voice rang through his head and he finally got angry enough to say something, "W-HY DO-ES SHE MAT-TER TO YO-U?! LET M-E HAVE TH-IS ONE TH-ING YOU... WIT-CH!" He yelled, she stopped for a moment and right as he looked up at her she slammed her high-heel into his face, the blunt force knocking him unconscious, she kicked his unconscious self before finally stopping and leaving him to lay, out of it and in pain.

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