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Saturday was spent catching up with Michael. We were just rolling around town, occasionally dipping into different shops and stuff. He bought us both an ice cream and we sat down at a bench in the middle of an almost abandoned park. That's when I asked one of my most curious questions.

"Mike? Why does dad not want to see us?" He pauses, contemplating what is just about to leave his mouth. 

"You. Dad just doesn't want to see you. He's been my lawyer a couple of times at court. Don't take it personally. Mum is the reason behind it. Remember those weekends I wasn't at home? It's because I was with him."

"Does he hate me or something? How can mum be the reason he doesn't want to see me?"

He sighs before explaining.

"Before mum was officially pregnant with you, she cheated on dad. Like, full on one night stand. Dad didn't know this but suspected something had happened when mum wanted a DNA test. Dad confronted mum and when he found out, he was devastated. You are his, we are full blood siblings, but dad couldn't trust mum after that. So he left. Mum lied when she said he didn't want you in his life. He misses you and I often tell him about what's going on in your life. Mum didn't want you with him because she wanted you to think he was the villain out of the two of them. Dad earns a lot of money, gives about $1000 a fortnight to us. Mum pockets $800 and uses the remainder for us. Even though dad sends it for only us two. Dad remarried, a beautiful wife and adopted her daughter. I think she's about your age. Never met her though. Dad cares and loves you. If you wanna call him, just ask. I got his number."

"Maybe not now. But why would mum do that?"

"Mum's done a lot of disappointing stuff. It's shocking really."

We watch a few bike riders and dog walkers stroll past before I ask my next question.

"Why did you do a really detailed report on schizophrenia? In freshman year?"

"I was waiting for this. We were doing it on a health issue and I couldn't think of one. My teacher told me to do schizophrenia and so I did. After the first week I got really into it. It was amazing finding all this stuff that people, including you, go through. At the doctors, when you had that glass in you, when we were told you had schizophrenia, my heart sank because I had knew about the sort of things they have to go through and deal with. That's why my attitude towards you changed because I know that the smallest things can trigger something major and if you end up committing suicide, I want to know that I tried to help prevent it instead of worrying about being the cause of it." 

I smile at his words.

"You know I always imagined that typical big brother little sister scenarios. Big over protective brother looks out for the sweet little sister. You had the tattoos as well which made you suit that role perfectly. Problem was that we didn't get along and I thought that scenario would never come true. Now look at us."

"You get your little reality. Only difference is you ain't sweet little chipmunk. Don't worry, I've got your back. Okay, now I have a question for you. Do you like my tattoos and would you get one yourself?"

"Your tattoos suit you, they look epic on you. Gap that, I hear it hurts so I'll leave tats to you." I smile at the end of my comment and we carry on sitting in silence. "Do any have a meaning?" Okay, it was originally in silence.

"Some do. Not much. This one means home in 'Final Fantasy'." I roll my eyes when he says that. "I don't really think much about them. I think Cal's ones have meaning. I was thinking of getting one to represent you."

"Wow, dude. That's commitment. Are you sure you're ready for that?" I say sarcastically. Michael pushes my shoulder.

"No, seriously. What do you think about that?"

"Depends what you choose to represent me by."

"How about you choose."

"Okay, I'm not ready for that kind of commitment."

"What about that quote you write on your arm some days?"

"You know that's a Pokemon quote, right? From Mewtwo."

"Tell me what it is and I'll decide if it's permanent ink worthy."

"'I see now, that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.' Are you sure you would want something like that?"

"I reckon I know the perfect place to put it -"

"Don't tell me. If you actually get it, then show me after you regret the stupid decision of letting your sister pick a tattoo. Before then, don't tell me."

"Do you want to come with me when I get it?"

"Hahahahahahahahaah no. Needles equal scary."


"Shut up. I'll dye my hair the next time you do yours."

"Really? You're up for that but not a tattoo."

"Hair grows, tattoos stay for life."

Michael rolls his eyes. We start walking again around the shops. 


"Here we go again." I roll my eyes and continue speaking.

"What is your solution to the schizophrenia attacks?"

"It's like a little chant."

"Yeah, I know the main jist of it. But what's the rest? What's the order?"

"It goes:
Monsters at bay- where the need to be
Monsters walking up the hill - they can still turn back
Monsters coming through the forest -there's still time to turn them back
Monsters at the gate - you're running out of time to turn them back
Monsters in the house - they're are starting to take control over you
Monsters coming up the stairs - you can't stop them but they haven't fully taken over
Monsters knocking at the door - they're right outside your mind
Monsters in the room - literally right there and have taken over."

"How did you find out about all that?"

"Like I said earlier, I got really into that freshman project." He glances from my face to the path a head. "I'll speak with dad tonight and find out when you can talk to him."

"But I wasn't-"

"Yes you were, I could tell."

AN: Well aint Michael just big brother goals right there.

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