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Katelyn just collapsed in my arms with blood running out of her mouth. The operator finally answer the phone and an ambulance is sent for us. Well, her really. I put Katelyn in the recovery position as more blood drips out of her mouth. At least it's getting less. That's good, right? I ring Luke and tell him what's happened. I ask him to pick up Mike and Cal so we can all met up at the hospital since I have the only car. He agrees and I hang up. 

When the ambulance arrives I take my car and follow close behind. Unfortunately I have to wait in the waiting room. I'm not an idiot. On the phone I told them she was a schizophrenic. I nervously bounce my leg while waiting in the waiting room. Katelyn's become like a sister to me and the last thing I want happen is to lose her. Michael would be devastated. He wouldn't be the same. 

"ASH!" Speak of the devil. Michael sprints into the waiting room closely followed behind by Cal, Luke and Liz. Andy must be parking the car. "What the hell happened and why did you ring Luke and not me."

"Mike, the last thing I wanted was for you to be running to the hospital and getting hurt yourself. At least if I rung Luke you would have a ride."

"Thanks, but what happened?"

"We were driving along then suddenly she turned down the music and looked really sick. She motioned for me to pull over and quickly got out. She started coughing so I got out and walked around to her. She was coughing up blood. I grabbed her because she looked like she was about to collapse. I tried to do that monster chant thing that you taught us but it wasn't working. She grabbed her head and started screaming before nearly starting to scratch up her arms. I stopped her and looked right at her before she like, blacked out. I put her in the recovery position before calling an ambulance and then Luke."

Michael was looking at the ground, taking in all I had said before speaking up, "what do you mean the monster chant wasn't working?"

"I tried it but she just ignored me. Made no attempt at all to respond to it."

"That shouldn't have happened. It's supposed to always work. Doesn't matter who says it."

"Well, not for me. Unless I said it wrong?"

"What did you say?"

"Where are the monsters?"

"That should've worked." He sits down on the chair opposite me. His head in is hands - deep in thought. 

"She'll be right. It'll be all okay, all right Ashton."

"Thanks Liz. But what if this was all my fault."

"Mate, you were driving her home. Something must have been happening else where. Surely you can't have an attack just like that, something has to trigger it. That can't have been you." Calum states.

"Not always," Michael says looking up. "There's a form of schizophrenia where it doesn't need a specific trigger. But surely she would have told me if something like that was happening. She would be needing to have an attack almost everyday for it to be possible."

"Maybe she's been lying when she says she hasn't had an attack?" Cal questions.

"But why would she do that if all we want to do is help her?" Luke says.

"Maybe she's scared? Doesn't want to seem like she constantly needs help? Maybe she wants to feel like she can work this out her self?" Andy's input leaves us all silent. He does work with insane people, I think. He's good with analyzing stuff like that. (AN: I have no clue what each of their parents do for a living. I just know Liz is a teacher :)) 

"I don't want her to be scared." Michael says, just above a whisper.

The room falls silent as we wait for Katelyn. 

"You know, it's almost like deja vu." Luke smirks.

"Not the time son, not the time." Andy pats his shoulder. Luke drops his head. 

"Katelyn Clifford?" We all stand and the doctor motions for us to follow him. It's the same one that diagnosed Katelyn as a schizophrenic. Let's hope he doesn't ask us about family again. We walk into Katelyn's room and she lays there on the bed. She watches all of us as we walk in.


It actually hurts seeing her on the hospital bed. She looks almost broken and it sucks. I hope what happened had nothing to do with her schizophrenia. I stand next to her bed and us boys basically give Liz the only chair in the room. I look at Katelyn and she looks, disappointed?

 "Mrs Clifford has an interesting run in hospital visits. Talking with her one on one I discovered that she hasn't been doing something vital to calm the schizophrenia. Taking her pills." We look straight at Katelyn. She looks on the verge of tears. Why does she not take them? "Unfortunately, she hasn't told me why she hasn't been taking them. Perhaps you would like to tell us now why you haven't been?"

She shakes her head. 

"Very well then. The results from some of the tests we ran shows that this was in fact tied in with her schizophrenia. This means that Katelyn sufferers from a more rare, intense and a lot more serious schizophrenia than we initially thought. It must have worsen from her original diagnosis because those results are far different from the present ones that we just took. It's unfortunate-"

"Can I talk with my sister alone for a minute?" I interrupt. I need to know what's going on before the doctor announces what I already know.  There was a type of schizophrenia that I left out on my freshman report.

"Umm, sure. I can give you a minute. I'll be back then." He doctor exits and everyone else gives me a strange look before walking out of the room.

"You have five seconds to explain before I explode."

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't. Don't say something you don't mean. Tell me what's going on."

"The pills make it worse. I feel like a freak who belongs in a mental hospital. I don't want to be different Mikey-"

"Don't Mikey me when you haven't been taking your pills. They are meant to help you, to stop the attacks. Th-"

"I've been getting more since I started taking them!"

I stare at her. "Why didn't you tell me that. I thought I was your brother Katelyn. You can trust me with this stuff."

"I know I can. I'm just a wimp. I didn't want to look like a hopeless baby that constantly needed help." So Andy was right.

"I know what the doctor was gonna say. I didn't want the others finding out immediately."

"How do you know?"

"I left it out of my freshman report because I thought it wasn't true. You've just proved that it is."

"What kind is it?"

"Your mind turns on itself. It tries to kill itself to stop the pain. Your body goes against it's natural order of keeping you alive to killing it. It can't be helped with any pill for a permanent fix. It always stays with you.

Katelyn, you have suicidal schizophrenia."

To be continued....

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