Chapter 2 - Let me help

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Billie's P.O.V

These kids need to watch where they're going nowadays! I thought to myself, as a young  girl, probably about 18 or 19 years old ran into me. Oh shit,  she's crying... I thought, startled. She looked really upset and she was shaking hysterically.  "Sorry." She stuttered, before trying to run off. I noticed the blood dripping rapidly from her face, so I grabbed hold of her arm and stopping her before she could run away again.  "Let me help you." I offered but she tried to protest. "Please" I added, taking her hand in mine to let her know that I was there; that someone was there. She looked at me, her eyes glazed over and tears streaming down her face. Her face itself was stained with tears, smudged mascara, and blood. She agreed to let me help her and for that I was grateful. The last thing that I wanted was for her to be running around the streets, covered in blood, alone, and scared. "I live at that house there." I pointed to one of them on the street that we were on. She didn't say anything but she just nodded. "Let's get you cleaned up." I said as we walked to the house. Every now and again she wiped the tears away from her face. 

I could tell by looking into her eyes that she was broken and she was scared. I knew that I needed to help her because I've been there before and I know what it's like to feel alone and to sometimes feel nothing at all. Sometimes that numbness is the scariest thing; it's the worst thing that a person could feel. I was lucky enough to have someone there for me when I went through it but I could tell that she didn't have anyone and that last thing that she needed right now was to be alone. As well, she didn't seem to care that I was a complete stranger, highlighting that fact that she did need someone. I had no idea what this girl had been through but I was desperate to find out what and in turn, help her in any way that I could. I led her up the stone steps and unlocked the locked the door. We entered and I closed the door behind her. I couldn't help but notice that she was still shaking. 

"I'm just going to get something to clean you up with." I told as she stood in the middle of the living room awkwardly. "Make yourself at home." I said, as I watch her take a seat on the sofa before I headed into the kitchen, grabbed a cloth and ran it under the tap before heading back out to where she was sitting. She sat with the head in her hands and the tears continued to stream from her eyes. The blood had finally dried up but she, herself, was a bloody mess.

"Here." I said, sitting next to her. I began dabbing at the wounds gently. She stared into my eyes and I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. I smiled at her as I wiped away some more blood. "Do you mind me asking what happened to you?" I asked her as she sat in front of me "Did you fall?" I was still dabbing at the wounds, some were still bleeding.  She shook her head whilst all the time remaining silent. "Did you have a fight with someone?" She winced in pain before shaking her head again before going back to being silent.  "I can't really help you if you don't tell me what happened to you." I said gently smiling.

She took a deep breath as she tried to control her breathing. "I-I-It was my F-F-Foster Dad." She stuttered, as her hands began shaking, just like they had done when she bumped into me in the street. I took her hands in mine to steady them and looked up at her, shocked. "He did this to you?" I asked her as a lump formed in my throat. She nodded. I couldn't help but think what a bastard he was. No-one deserved to have this happen to them, especially not a girl as young and as pretty as she was. 

"What's your name sweetheart?" I asked, placing the cloth down on the table and giving her a tissue to dry her eyes with.  "(Y/n). She replied, quietly. A beautiful name to match a beautiful soul. "(Y/n)." I repeated, smiling at her. "How old are you?" 

"18." She replied as I looked back at her. A tear was streaming down her face, so I wiped it away before she could with her tissue. She gave a small smile.  "Do you know where your real parents are?" She shook her head. I sighed, the only other option was to call the police. "Do you want to call the police?" In that instant, her eyes widened.

"No! No! Please! I can't tell anyone! Please!" She began crying, uncontrollably. I hugged her tightly. "If you call the police, they'll kill me." She continued to sob. "What if they make me go back there? I'd rather die." She stated as she rested her head on my chest. My hand ran up and down her back as she cried. I was going to fix this. I was going to make a difference in her life, no matter what the cost. I continued to hug her. "You don't deserve this." I told her, shaking my head. "You don't deserve this at all but I want you to know that everything's going to be okay. I promise." She looked up and me, her eyes were so incredible that I was nearly blinded by their beauty.

"I really appreciate your help." She began. "But why are you helping me?" She asked me, curiously. 

"I know what it's like to feel like you're worth nothing." I admitted. "I hate the thought that someone as wonderful as you has to feel that way too." 

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