Chapter 4 - Nightmare

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Billie's P.O.V - 

Me and (Y/n) sat watching TV after dinner but upon realising that, as per usual, nothing interesting was on, we went back to talking with one another and finding out as much as we could about one another now that we were going to be living together. She seemed really interested about my life, more specifically my band and my band mates. "Well..." I began. "There's Mike and Tré."

"Tré?" She asked. 

"Yeah, well, his name is Frank but he was given the nickname Tré Cool when he was like 10 or 11 and I guess it stuck." She laughed, stating that it was an amazing name. She was right. It really was but it didn't change that fact that he was a bit of an idiot though. Either way, I loved him for it. "How long have you know them?" (Y/n) asked me which got me thinking back to when I first met both Mike and Tré. 

"I met Mike when I was 10 years old. We were in the same class and we both wanted to be the class clown." I smiled as I thought about when I met Mike for the first. "We started talking about music and writing it and then before you know it, we're best friends and in a band together." (Y/n) smiled at me but I could tell she was sad that she had never had that in her life. "I met Tré when me and Mike were getting ready to perform at out local venue and he one the stage playing with his band before us. He was wearing a pink tutu and a shower cap. We became friends and when our old drummer, John, left Tré replaced him and the rest is history." 

Before we both knew it, we'd been talking for nearly 4 hours and it was almost 12 at night. "I think I'm going to head to bed." She said standing up. "Thanks for the talk though. It was great." 

"Thanks for the company." I smiled as we both headed up the stairs. She reached the door to her room. "Goodnight Billie." She said to me as she kissed me cheek. "Thank you for everything." She smiled because she headed into the room and closed the door behind her. I stood there for a moment smiling before I headed into my own room. I closed the door behind me, got undressed and collapsed on the bed. I thought about everything that had happened today before I found myself staring at the ceiling but I was unable to fall asleep.

Eventually, I looked over at the bedside table and pressed my phone, looking at the time. It was 2:30 am.I hadn't been to sleep yet. How could I when she was in the next room? As I lay there in the silence I heard her moving around every now and again. She was saying something in her sleep. I couldn't quite make out what it was. I sat up in my bed and listened out for her shouting again as it began to get louder. "Please! Don't hurt me! Please!" She begged in her sleep. A nightmare. I got up and went and stood outside the room for a moment to see if it would die off but it didn't.

"No! No! Please!" She shrieked. I darted into the room, not sparing a second, as she shot up in the bed and began crying and shaking. I sat next to her on the bed. She grabbed hold of me and sobbed into my shoulder. I held her comfortingly and rocked her back and forth. "It's okay." I told her. "It's okay. I'm here." I placed my chin on head. "You're safe." I said finally. She looked up. "Can you lay with me?" She asked hopefully.

My heart began beating fast as I nodded. I lay next to her warm body in the bed as she placed her head on my chest. I smiled as we fell asleep together. 

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