Chapter 9 - It needs to stop

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V:

It had been a year since Dookie had come out and Green Day had become a household name. Of course, I was there and supported Billie in any way that I could but I couldn't deny that he had changed and wasn't the same man that he used to be. He had started drinking more and had gotten involved with crowds that weren't the best people to be hanging around with. He had become involved in drugs too. Every time I brought up how uncomfortable and unhappy it made me to see him doing it or being with these people he would always apologise and swear that he'll stop and then the next day it's happen all over again. It was a viscous cycle and one that I wanted to get out of. Of course, I loved Billie but there is only so much one can take before they turn around and say "I'm done." and as much as I hated it, I was reaching that point now. 

When I had left for work this morning, Billie was still passed out after last night's partying. I left him a note that said I'd be back later but I didn't expect him to read it. 

"(Y/n)?" My boss asked. I looked up and smiled. "Could I have you in my office for a few minutes?" Like a child being called to the principal's office, my mind was racing wondering what I could have done wrong. I followed my boss in and closed the door behind me. "Have a seat." I was told. I took it, before my boss began speaking to me. "I just wanted to tell you that you are an asset to this company and we are very lucky to have you."

"Thank you." I smiled and couldn't help but feel proud of myself. 

"Which is why we want to offer you another job."

"Another job?" I asked. "I don't understand." 

"We are opening more companies, like this, all over the world and we want to offer you a position in another city." I looked at her, confused as to what was going on. 

"(Y/n). You have potential and you shouldn't be stuck here for the rest of your life." She admitted. "You don't have to answer straight away but do consider it. The only thing is, it starts in two weeks so make your mind up." I left her office feeling honoured and hurt. If I say yes that might be the end of my relationship with Billie. I knew that I needed to talk to him about all of this. From then on, the rest of the day seemed to drag pretty slowly as I thought about what I was going to say to Billie; hoping that he would be as supporting as I had been with him and the band. 

I walked into the house, the smell of weed and alcohol filling the air. I sighed as I came home to the now familiar stench. Billie shouted from the other room. I stood in the hallway, feeling overwhelmed. It had gone to far and I knew that I needed to get out. I pulled out my phone and dialled the number that I needed, placing it to my ear. 

"Hello, it's only me." I spoke to my boss as I took a deep breathe. "I'll take that job." I told her. She replied in delight that she'd sort out all of the details to discuss with me. I hung up and I went in the room that Billie was in as he had shouted again. I just looked at him and the mess that surrounded him, both ashamed and annoyed that this is what it'd come to, that this would be how our once wonderful relationship had to end. 

"Billie, this needs to stop." He looked at me as I stood in front of him, my arms folded. "You need to stop." I said sternly. I had reached my limit and I wasn't going to put up with it anymore, which is why I made the decision to leave. 

"Right, right!" He replied, as though he was bored of me telling him. Hell, I was bored of telling him.  I sighed as my heart beat fast inside my chest. It was now or never. "Billie." I said as I took the bottle out of his hand. "I'm done."

"What?" He asked. That definitely got his attention. 

"I've been offered a job in another city." I told him as he stared at me. "I took it."

"You're going?"

"Yes, I'm leaving Billie. I think it's for the best." With that, my heart broke inside me chest. 

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