Chapter 14 - I know what I want

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Billie's P.O.V

"I know what I want. I've known it all along."


It had been two days since I had turned up at (Y/n)'s door, and poured out all my feelings for her. The feelings that I've had since the moment I met her for the very first time. Before her, I didn't believe in love at first sight. I wasn't expecting to hear from (Y/n) anytime soon. I appreciate that it's a lot to take in; when your ex-boyfriend turns up at your front door, after 2 years of being apart, to announce that he's still madly in love with you, and wants you back. I was more than willing to give her all of the space that she needed. Do I regret turning up out of the blue? Absolutely not. I meant every word that I said to her. I know for a fact that I will be in love with (Y/n) till the day that I die. I regret the way that I had been towards the end of our relationship, and I didn't want her to remember me as that person. I was different, and I had changed, all because of her. 

The only way that I could distract myself from thinking about (Y/n), and dwelling on the fact that she could turn me down, I decided to do what I do best. Write music, and like every time life has thrown me something to write a song about, I wrote it within a matter of minutes. Okay, so maybe writing a song about (Y/n), isn't really helping me to not to think about her, but I couldn't help myself; she inspires me greatly. She always has. 

I grabbed my guitar and started to strum the chords, and after a few seconds began singing:

"Words get trapped in my mind, sorry I don't take the time, to feel the way I do. But the first day you came into my life, my time ticks around you. But then I need your voice, as the key to unlock all the love that's trapped in me. So, tell me when it's time to say "I love you.""  In my head, my memories of my relationship with (Y/n), span around my head; the way that they did in the dead of night. She had always been on my mind. 

"All I want is you to understand, that when I take your hand, it's 'cause I want to. We are all born in a world of doubt, but there's no doubt. I figured out... I love you." Of course I love her; she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. "I've been longing for all the losers that were meant to take the time to say. What was really on their mind, instead they just hide away. Yet they'll never have, someone like you to back them and help them on the way. Or tell them when it's time to say "I love you." So, tell me when it's time to say "I love you.""  I felt my heart aching inside my chest. I loved her more than I was able to put into words. 

I sat there in silence for a few minutes before there was a knock on the front door, and I ran to answer it, in the hope that I would see her standing there. I opened it to see (Y/n) stood there. I smiled to see her. "(Y/n)..." I said, simply, my mind racing, and my heart filled with excitement. "I know what I said, Billie, about not knowing what I want." (Y/n) told me, as she took a step close to me; her aroma surrounding me. "But I know what I want. I've known it all along." She pulled me close to her, and kissed me. It was long and intense; it was perfect. It was as though we had never been apart. When she pulled away, she looked at me, and smiled. "I want you." I looked at her in disbelief for a few moments as she held onto me. "I love you Billie Joe." She exclaimed as my lips crashed onto hers, as I lifted her up, and her legs wrapped around my waist. "And, I love you." I told her, a smile beaming on my face. My world was complete.

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