Chapter 11 - I can't believe it

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Your P.O.V:

I walked down the street, breathing in the cool, and crisp evening air. Rush hour had ended, and every now and again, a car drove past me in the street. I had just left work, my dream job, and was heading home for an evening of relaxing, and Netflix. I walk this way home every night, and every night I cannot believe that this is my life. It feels like a dream that's lasted forever, but I know the reality is, it's only been like this for 2 years.

Every night, I reflect on what my life used to be like, before I got the opportunity to leave, and to give it all up. There was not a single thing that I missed about my old life. Well, maybe one thing: Billie. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. I think about him every single day, and every day my heart aches just a little bit more at the thought of him. I'm constantly needing to remind myself that what I did was for the best; not just for me, but for both of us. Of course I loved Billie; I still love him, but by the end, our relationship had become toxic, as a result of us drifting apart. Neither of us were able to live your lives as you were both holding each other back. 

I walked past a man, who made my heart stop. He looked exactly like Billie. I carried on walking, not wanting to make a fool of myself by approaching the man, only to realise that it wasn't Billie; I wasn't going to give myself any false hope.  

"(Y/n)." I turned around when I heard someone calling my name and I recognised the person standing behind me immediately. "(Y/n). It is you." They said as as I felt myself running into their open arms. "Billie." I smiled as he held me close to him. "I can't believe it." He admitted as he held my face between his hands. "I never thought that I'd see you again." 

In that moment, it was as though we had never spent two years apart from each other; as though I'd never left. I looked into his eyes, and he looked happy yet in a way, completely broken.  "How are you?" He asked, his eyes wide, as though he believed that he was dreaming.

"I'm good, how are you?"

"Great, yeah." He replied. 

"How's the band going?" I asked him, knowing that they were still doing well; I just needed an excuse to keep talking to him . "It's going really really well. It's still my passion. How's your job going?"

"It's still amazing, I got promoted again."

"That's great! I'm so happy for you, (Y/n). Truly." He looked at me, and his smile was wide. "It's really amazing to see you again."

"It's amazing to see you too." 

"Can I take you out to dinner next week?" Billie asked me out of the blue. "Sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"Yeah, I'd love to." I answered before he could change his mind. 

"Great!" He smiled. "Can I text you the details?"

"Sure! My number is still the same; if you still have it." He nodded as he waved his phone at me. "So is mine, if you still have that." I did, and I can't count the number of times that I nearly text him to tell him that I still loved him, but quickly deleted it. Thank god I wasn't that keen on alcohol, otherwise, I would've found myself in some pretty awkward situations. 

"I had better going get." I admitted. "But, you'll text me? Or I'll text you?" I offered. 

"Yeah, I'll text you." He smiled as we hugged. I kissed him on the cheek. 

"See you soon Billie." I said, before we went our separate ways. My heart was racing at a million miles an hour. It was like nothing had changed. I couldn't help but wonder if I hadn't of broken up with him, would we still be together? Probably. As I closed the front door behind me, my phone buzzed in my pocket. The screen lit up, and showed me what I had been waiting to see for two years. A message from Billie. 'It was great to see you tonight x'

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