Chapter 6 - I want you

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Warning: Containing Smut!


(Y/n)'s P.O.V:

I felt the heat between us rise as I lay on my back and Billie climbed on top of me. He asked me if I was ready and I was. I was more than ready; I was falling for him. I kissed his lips once more as I ran my fingers through my hair. He moved down to my neck and body, teasing me with the touch of his fingers.  When he moved back up to my mouth, I let out a small moan as his fingers ran up her chest, slowly removing my t-shirt to expose my breasts without breaking the connection that we had. "Billie...." I said in barely a whisper as the two of us lay together on the bed. "(Y/n)..." He replied as the pair of  us stopped for a few seconds and looked into each other's eyes. His were piercing blue. They saw right through me and saw how I was craving and begging for him to make love to me. Billie smirked as he saw me practically weak at the knees for him.  I wrapped my legs around his waist and smiled as he turned my head to one side as he began to kiss my neck. 

As he bit into my neck, my fingers continued to run along his body, as he caressed mine. "I want you." I admitted.

 "Oh god..." He whispered into my ear. "I want you too." Things quickly heated up from there.  Soon enough, you were just left in nothing. Billie's eyes widened at the sight of me beneath him. 

As I lay there, he ran his hands along my legs, between my thighs. I knew that he was teasing me, he wasn't stupid, so he too knew what doing and the smiled that spread across his face showed me how much he loved making me wait, he knew that it was driving me insane. "You know that you love it really." He whispered with a seductive tone. I couldn't resist him and he knew this, hence why he was using this to his advantage. I wanted to scream his name at the top of my voice.

His fingers continued danced along my thighs as I gripped hold of the sheet beneath. I wanted him and I wanted him now. "Billie." I started, pulling his body towards me and placing himself at my entrance. As he hovered over me, he watched me as I moved my chest move up and down as I began to prepare myself for what was to come. "You ready?" He asked.

"Yes. God, yes." I replied as I placed my hands on his waist, ready for him. Waiting for him. He placed his hands onto the pillow that my head was placed on. I felt him slip inside of me. I let out a small gasp. I waited for my body to adjust to him as he placed his head in the crook of my neck. He kissed along my collarbone as he slowly moved himself in and out of me, every movement, every touch left me begging for more.

Taking me by surprise, he tossed me over. He was now placed underneath me. After a few moments, he lifted himself so that he was sat upright. My knees where on the bed as I sat on top of him. Billie placed his hands on my back as my arms wrapped themselves around his neck. I moved backwards and forwards on top of him, friction was being created for the both of us. I saw that look spreading across his face, he was being pleasured and I was in paradise.

He kissed my chest as I continued to do what I was already doing. "Billie..." I moaned as he caressed me, his hands gliding across my body. He had already figured out my weak spots. Lightly, I pulled at his hair, the feeling of him inside my body was overwhelming and wonderful and an experience that I didn't want to end.

He grabbed hold of my leg with one of his hands and held my back with his other hand and pulled me even closer to him, which I didn't would be possible. His fingers ran through my hair as I started to move up and down, feeling him moving around, made me passionate and fanatical. Every time was the same. I lay down on top of him, kissing his chest as he fingers still made their way through my hair.

Things got hotter, quicker, intense. We rolled over so that Billie was on top of me once more. "Billie..." I couldn't think of any other words "Take me." He smirked as my legs found their way around Billie once more. He moved again, quicker and quicker, in, out, in and back out. I placed one hand on his hip and the other on the headboard of the bed. Every movement that was made, made moans and screams of delight leave our mouths in unison. I moved around slightly, pushing yourself further towards Billie when I could. Clearly, he like that just as much as I because the moans that escaped his lips was canorous; it was pleasant sounding. It was raw and it most importantly, it was real.

"God..." I found myself saying as these feelings coursed through my entire body. His eyes were filled with lust. I was near the end and so was he, I could tell by the look that was forming across his face.

Within the next few minutes, moans echoed throughout the bedroom. "Fuck." He said as he landed by the side of me in the bed. "That was something else." He admitted as he pulled the covers over his body and mine. He was breathless and so was I. "That really was." I agreed as he pulled me a little bit closer to him in the bed. He planted small kisses on my neck and my body. I bit my lip as he did so. "You're something else." He told me. "You're amazing."

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