Chapter 7 - Couldn't be better

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Billie's P.O.V:

I felt (Y/n) as she moved next to me in the bed. I rose my head up to look at her as she lay next to me; she was still asleep. My mind went to the events of last night and I couldn't help but smile. After 3 weeks of thinking and believing that (Y/n) was out of my league, that she would never be with me, or feel the same, she was finally mine. Everything made sense. 

Not wanting to wake her up, I slowly got out of the bed and headed into the bathroom to get a shower. I switched it on before jumping into the water. I sighed in delight as the warmth hit my skin. I closed my eyes as the water hit my face and my hair. When I got out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed back into the bedroom, where (Y/n) was still lying. I smiled at her as he laying still in my bed. "Morning." She said, taking me by surprise. "Have you been staring at me long?" She laughed. "Just a few moments." I admitted seeing as I'd been caught off guard. 

She rolled over in bed and looked over at me. She held the sheets so that she didn't expose anything. "Morning." I told her as I bent down onto the bed and kissing her. She placed her hands on my shoulders and kissed me back. The water from my hair dripped onto her face, making her laugh and playfully push me away. "You're all wet." She said as she squirmed beneath me. I laughed with her before I kissed her again and got up, allowing her to get out of the bed and head into the bathroom for a shower. I heard the water running from the shower in the bathroom as I collapsed onto the bed smiling from ear to ear. 


**Time Skip**

It had been 8 months since me and (Y/n) had spent that first night together and things couldn't have been better. (Y/n) had companies lining up to take her on for a job, like she deserved, and me and the boys had finished our album and were waiting for the day that people were able to hear the finished result. We had spent so much time on it and we were so proud. We had decided to name the album 'Dookie'. Most of the songs that are on there, I wrote when I was about 18 and I finally decided that it was time to reveal them to the world. 

Of course, (Y/n) was there every step of the way and supporting me in any way that she could. I till couldn't believe that we were together, that I, little old me, was as lucky to call someone as wonderful as (Y/n), my girlfriend. It still felt unreal. She was there, through every late night that I came home from the studio, every time I came home frustrated that something wasn't sounding the way that I would have liked it too. She always managed to calm and reassure me that everything would "Work itself out in the end." I was so lucky that she was there to give me the words of encouragement when I wasn't able to do it myself. 

"When is your interview?" I asked her as she poured me and herself a cup of coffee. She passed it me over the counter as she answered. "In forty-five minutes." She took a sip of her coffee to steady her nerves. "What if they don't like me?" She asked, her eyes widening at the thought of loosing out on a job in her dream profession. It was unbelievable to think that when I met her, she was a scared and lonely 18 year old on the run from an abusive family and now she was nearly 20 with her whole life ahead of her and planned; it was everything she dreamed of and she worked bloody hard to get it. She worked 2 jobs to earn money, because neither of them payed very well, all whilst continuing with school and getting great grades. I constantly worried that she'd overwork herself but somehow she made it out of the other side and was stronger than ever. I really respected her for that; either way, she got further than I ever did at school. 

I took her hand across the table and smiled at her. "They will. They'd be stupid not to." I placed my coffee down on the table and stood up, whilst all of the time holding her hand. When I reached the other side of the counter, I took (Y/n) in my arms and kissed her head. "You'll be great." I told her. "You've just got to believe in yourself. I know that I believe in you." 

"Thank you." She smiled. "I love you." She kissed me back. 

"I love you too." I told her and we stayed that way for a while before it was time for (Y/n) to leave and I wasn't going to let her stall any longer. "You'll be fantastic." I reminded her. "I'll be here waiting when you get back." I kissed her before she told me that she loved me once more, I repeated the same, and then she left. I knew that she could do it, I had every faith in her. 

Finally, an hour and a half later, she arrived home. I placed down the guitar that I'd been playing and writing songs with and rushed to the front door to great her. "How did it go?" I asked her after she kissed me. She remained silent as she looked at me. I couldn't tell if she was genuinely upset or if she was building up to a really big moment. "Billie." She began as she took my hands in hers. "I got the job." 

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